The best relationship is the one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
Joseph F. Newton Men
People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.
Fremont Jones
They are all perverse, and one's occasional desire for their company is the most perverse of all.
Francois de la Rochefoucauld
If we are incapable of finding peace in ourselves, it is pointless to search elsewhere.
Anais Nin
Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.
Richard Bach
The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.
Erwin T. Randall
True friends are those who, When you make a fool of yourself, Don't believe that this condition is permanent.
Richard Bach
Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you.
I've learned in my lifetime so far that you can't help who you fall for and no matter how hard you try and how much it hurts you everyday that you just wanna be with them or just talk to them you never stop trying to make them happy by the little things you say or do because thats what makes your life worth going on for.
PC Programmers Saying & Quotations

They have computers, and they may have other weapons of mass destruction. (Janet Reno)
I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image. (Stephen Hawking)
If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger. (Frank Lloyd Wright)
Training the workforce of tomorrow with today's high schools is like trying to teach kids about today's computers on a 50-year-old mainframe. (Bill Gates in 2005)
If software were as unreliable as economic theory, there wouldn't be a plane made of anything other than paper that could get off the ground. (Jim Fawcette)
Computers are like bikinis. They save people a lot of guesswork. (Sam Ewing)
If the automobile had followed the same development cycle as the computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and explode once a year, killing everyone inside. ("Robert X. Cringely", Computerworld)
To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer. (Paul Ehrlich)
All parts should go together without forcing. You must remember that the parts you are reassembling were disassembled by you. Therefore, if you can't get them together again, there must be a reason. By all means, do not use a hammer. (1925 IBM Maintenence Manual)
Technical people are better off not looking at patents. If somebody sues you, you change the algorithm or you just hire a hit-man to whack the stupid git. (Linus Torvalds)
How would a car function if it were designed like a computer? Occasionally, executing a maneuver would cause your car to stop and fail and you would have to re-install the engine, and the airbag system would say, "Are you sure?" before going off. (Katie Hafner)
Considering the current sad state of our computer programs, software development is clearly still a black art, and cannot yet be called an engineering discipline. (Bill Clinton)
If McDonalds were run like a software company, one out of every hundred Big Macs would give you food poisoning -- and the response would be, "We're sorry, here's a coupon for two more". (Mark Minasi)
Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all. (John F Kennedy)
At this time I do not have a personal relationship with a computer. (Janet Reno)
It's ridiculous to live 100 years and only be able to remember 30 million bytes. You know less than a compact disc. The human condition is really becoming more obsolete every minute. (Marvin Minsky)
For a long time it puzzled me how something so expensive, so leading edge, could be so useless, and then it occurred to me that a computer is a stupid machine with the ability to do incredibly smart things, while computer programmers are smart people with the ability to do incredibly stupid things. They are, in short, a perfect match. (Bill Bryson)
Just remember: you're not a "dummy," no matter what those computer books claim. The real dummies are the people who, though technically expert, couldn't design hardware and software that's usable by normal consumers if their lives depended upon it. (Walter Mossberg)
You have to ask yourself how many IT organizations, how many CIOs have on their goal sheet, or their mission statement, "Encouraging creativity and innovation in the corporation?" That's not why the IT organization was created. (Tom Austin)
The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do. (B. F. Skinner)
Kirk: Do you want to know something? Everybody's human.
Spock: I find that remark insulting. ("Star Trek")
The global village is not created by the motor car or even by the airplane. It’s created by instant electronic information movement. (Marshall Mcluhan)
Replicating assemblers and thinking machines pose basic threats to people and to life on Earth. Among the cognoscenti of nanotechnology, this threat has become known as the gray goo problem. (Eric Drexler)
Computers are merely ingenious devices to fulfill unimportant functions. The computer revolution is an explosion of nonsense. (Neil Postman)
Who cares how it works, just as long as it gives the right answer? (Jeff Scholnik)
There's an old story about the person who wished his computer were as easy to use as his telephone. That wish has come true, since I no longer know how to use my telephone. (Bjarne Stroustrup)
I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right. (Albert Einstein)
The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency. (Bill Gates)
See, no matter how clever your automation systems might be, it all falls apart if your human wetware isn't up to the job. (Andrew Orlowski)
That's the thing about people who think they hate computers. What they really hate is lousy programmers. (Larry Niven)
On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog. (Peter Steiner)
We are a bit of stellar matter gone wrong. We are physical machinery - puppets that strut and talk and laugh and die as the hand of time pulls the strings beneath. But there is one elementary inescapable answer. We are that which asks the question.(Sir Arthur Eddington)
The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from. (Andrew Tannenbaum)
Standards are always out of date. That's what makes them standards. (Alan Bennett)
Computer Science: 1. A study akin to numerology and astrology, but lacking the precision of the former and the success of the latter. 2. The boring art of coping with a large number of trivialities. (Stan Kelly-Bootle)
Once there was a time when the bringing-forth of the true into the beautiful was called technology. And art was simply called techne. (Martin Heidegger)
The computer actually may have aggravated management's degenerative tendency to focus inward on costs. (Peter Drucker)
The buyer needs a hundred eyes, the vendor not one. (George Herbert)
Anyone who puts a small gloss on a fundamental technology, calls it proprietary, and then tries to keep others from building on it, is a thief. (Tim O'Reilly)
What a satire, by the way, is that machine [Babbage's Engine], on the mere mathematician! A Frankenstein-monster, a thing without brains and without heart, too stupid to make a blunder; that turns out results like a corn-sheller, and never grows any wiser or better, though it grind a thousand bushels of them! (Oliver Wendell Holmes)
No, no, you're not thinking, you're just being logical. (Niels Bohr)
Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window. (Steve Wozniak)
If you put tomfoolery into a computer, nothing comes out but tomfoolery. But this tomfoolery, having passed through a very expensive machine, is somehow ennobled and no one dares criticize it. (Pierre Gallois)
A computer is essentially a trained squirrel: acting on reflex, thoughtlessly running back and forth and storing away nuts until some other stimulus makes it do something else. (Ted Nelson)
Software people would never drive to the office if building engineers and automotive engineers were as cavalier about buildings and autos as the software "engineer" is about his software. (Henry Baker)
Since the invention of the microprocessor, the cost of moving a byte of information around has fallen on the order of 10-million-fold. Never before in the human history has any product or service gotten 10 million times cheaper-much less in the course of a couple decades. That's as if a 747 plane, once at $150 million a piece, could now be bought for about the price of a large pizza. (Michael Rothschild)
Physics is the universe's operating system. (Steven R Garman)
If patterns of ones and zeros were like patterns of human lives and death, if everything about an individual could be represented in a computer record by a long string of ones and zeros, then what kind of creature would be represented by a long string of lives and deaths? (Thomas Pynchon)
Man is the best computer we can put aboard a spacecraft...and the only one that can be mass produced with unskilled labor. (Wernher von Braun)
The city's central computer told you? R2D2, you know better than to trust a strange computer! ("C3PO")
Scotty: She's all yours, sir. All systems automated and ready. A chimpanzee and two trainees could run her!
Kirk: Thank you, Mr. Scott, I'll try not to take that personally. (Star Trek)
I've noticed lately that the paranoid fear of computers becoming intelligent and taking over the world has almost entirely disappeared from the common culture. Near as I can tell, this coincides with the release of MS-DOS. (Larry DeLuca)
A friend of the Feline reports that Big Blue marketing and sales personnel have been strictly forbidden to use the word "mainframe." Instead, in an attempt to distance themselves from the dinosaur, they're to use the more PC-friendly phrase "large enterprise server." If that's the case, the Katt retorted, they should also refer to "dumb terminals" as "intelligence-challenged workstations." (Spencer Katt)
The computer is no better than its program. (Elting Elmore Morison)
There is no doubt that human survival will continue to depend more and more on human intellect and technology. It is idle to argue whether this is good or bad. The point of no return was passed long ago, before anyone knew it was happening. (Theodosius Dobzansky)
Man is the lowest-cost, 150-pound, nonlinear, all-purpose computer system which can be mass-produced by unskilled labor. (NASA in 1965)
A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. (Mitch Radcliffe)
The essence of the computer is not electronic. Computers can be made from toothpicks and bottlecaps, or toilet paper and pebbles. (George Teschner)
IT is becoming a cost of doing business that must be paid by all but provides distinction to none. (Nicholas Carr)
Once the Invisible Hand has taken all the historical inequities and smeared them out into a broad global layer of what a Pakistani brickmaker would consider to be prosperity -- y'know what? There's only four things we do better than anyone else: music, movies, microcode (software), and high-speed pizza delivery. (Neal Stephenson)
Part of the inhumanity of the computer is that, once it is competently programmed and working smoothly, it is completely honest. (Isaac Asimov)
If there's one thing that computers do well, it's to make the same mistake uncountable times at inhuman speed. (Peter Coffee)
Life is a process which may be abstracted from other media. (John Von Neumann)
I don't think there's anything unique about human intelligence. All the neurons in the brain that make up perceptions and emotions operate in a binary fashion. (Bill Gates)
I bet the human brain is a kluge. (Marvin Minsky)
If you rely too much on the people in other countries and other companies, in a sense that's your brain and you are outsourcing your brain. (Bill Gates)
Unless mankind redesigns itself by changing our DNA through altering our genetic makeup, computer-generated robots will take over our world. (Stephen Hawking)
I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I'm rooting for the machines. (Claude Shannon)
We should sell bloat credits, the way the government sells pollution credits. Everybody's assigned a certain amount of bloat, and if they go over, they have to purchase bloat credits from some other group that's been more careful. (Bent Hagemark)
I can see computers everywhere - except in the productivity statistics! (Robert Solow)
Adequacy is sufficient. (Adam Osborne)
Technology happens. (Andrew Grove)
TeLL mE Why by IntroVoys

Im so glad that all is ended
but someday im coming back
To show, you saw
There's thing in we call life
That its good times and its bad times
But the question linger in my mind
So tell me Why..
Im so hurt deep inside
and the tears are fall behind
Tell me why
the moon shining so bright
and your voice
still echos in the night
Ive always love you
Ive always wanted to embrace
the moment share between us too
I only want to tell you this
theres no such thing forever
but no one cant deny I tried... so hard
So tell me Why..
Im so hurt deep inside
and the tears are fall behind
Tell me why
the moon shining so bright
and your voice
still echos in the night
I know what im missing
But i have to let you go
I just keep on believin
coz I love you girl
I want you to know..
So tell me Why..
Im so hurt deep inside
and the tears are fall behind
Tell me why
the moon shining so bright
and your voice
still echos in the night
Tell me Why...
"The Amazing Waterbirth"
"The Amazing Waterbirth"
When you read the words "Water & Birth", it sounds interesting, right? Well, maybe some of us heard or never yet heard about giving birth in water. What does it means? Waterbirth is a method of giving birth, inwhich involves immersion in water. Most people who experienced in doing this method say that it is the safest method of giving birth. It gives you less pain, because of the warm water helps you to relax.
The use of warm-water pools for labor and childbirth is a relatively recent phenomenon in Western societies. During the 1960s, Russian researcher Igor Charkovsky undertook considerable research into the safety and possible benefits of water birth in the Soviet Union. In the late 1960s, French obstetrician Frederick Leboyer developed the practice of immersing newly-born infants in warm water to help ease the transition from the womb to the outside world, and to mitigate the effects of any possible birth trauma.
Another French obstetrician, Michel Odent, took Leboyer's work further, using the warm-water birth pool for pain relief for the mother, and as a way to normalize the birth process. When some women refused to get out of the water to finish giving birth, Odent started researching the possible benefits for the baby of being born under water, as well as the potential problems in such births. By the late 1990s, thousands of women had given birth at Odent's birthing center at Pithiviers, and the notion of water birth had spread to many other Western countries.
Water birth first came to the United States through couples giving birth at home, but soon was introduced into the medical environment of hospitals and free-standing birth centers by obstetricians and certified nurse midwives. In 1991, Monadnock Community Hospital in Peterborough, New Hampshire became the first hospital to create a protocol for giving birth in water. By 2005, there were over 300 hospitals in the US that had adopted such protocols. More than three-quarters of all National Health Service hospitals in the UK provide this option for laboring women.
What are the benefits of waterbirth and water labor?
• Speeds up labor
• Reduces blood pressure
• Gives mother more feelings of control
• Provides significant pain relief
• Promotes relaxation
• Enables the mother to assume any position which is comfortable for labor and birth
• Conserves her energy
• Reduces the need for drugs and interventions
• Gives mother a private protected space
• Reduces perineal trauma and eliminates episiotomies
• Reduces caesarean section rates
• Is highly rated by mothers - typically stating they would consider giving birth in water again
• Is highly rated by experienced providers
• Encourages an easier birth giving for mother and a gentler welcome for baby
The water seems to act as a protective “aura” around the woman, where she feels less vulnerable and more in control of herself. As the baby is being born, the mother can choose to deliver the infant herself, as the birth attendants kneel at the tub in case they are needed. It is usually very simple for the mother, after she has the last contraction that expels the baby, to reach down, take her baby in her arms and bring baby up out of the water and to her breast. It is also very easy for dad to help catch the baby if desired.
For the baby
Childbirth can be a strenuous experience for the baby. Properly heated water[1] helps to ease the transition from the birth canal to the outside world because the warm liquid resembles the familiar intra-uterine environment, and softens light, colors and noises.
To the mother
Pain Management
Harper reports that water birth is an effective form of pain management during labor and delivery (Harper 2000). Water birth is a form of hydrotherapy which, in studies, has been shown to be an effective form of pain management for a variety of conditions especially lower back pain (a common complaint of women in labor)[citation needed]. In an appraisal of 17 randomized trials, two controlled studies, 12 cohort studies, and two case reports, it was concluded that there was a definite "benefit from hydrotherapy in pain, function, self-efficacy and affect, joint mobility, strength, and balance, particularly among older adults, subjects with rheumatic conditions and chronic low back pain," (Geytenbeek 2002). When compared with conventional pain management techniques for labor and delivery (e.g. anaesthesia and narcotics) hydrotherapy is also possibly a safer alternative. In studies, epidural anaesthesia (EDA), is correlated with an increased rate of instrumental (e.g. forceps in childbirth) delivery rates and also caesarean section rates (Ros et al. 2007). Full immersion in water promotes physiological responses in the mother that reduce pain including a redistribution of blood volume, which stimulates the release of oxytocin and vasopressin (Katz 1990), the latter which also increases oxytocin blood levels (Odent 1998). The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews has found that "the statistically significant reduction in maternal perception of pain and in the rate of epidural analgesia suggest that water immersion during the first stage of labour is beneficial for some women. No evidence was found that this benefit was associated with poorer outcomes for babies or longer labours."
What you will need to have this "WATERBIRTH"
• all that is needed is a tub that is at least12 inches deep that can be kept warm.
• Some mothers choose to labor in the tub and then birth on the bed. Others choose to labor and deliver in the water. We encourage the mother to do whichever makes her feel the most comfortable.
• Salt may be added to decrease bacteria in the water and essential oils can be dropped only in the portable tub (such as lavender, ylang-ylang, or rose for relaxation)
• The portable tub is large enough for dad to get in if desired. He can make it very comfortable for mom to rest against in the tub.
• You can wear a bra, swimsuit top or t-shirt if modest. Most of our mothers feel most free and comfortable wearing nothing, which is fine also!
• Once the baby is born, if there is no extra bleeding, you may stay in the tub for up to 20 minutes or so while waiting for the placenta to deliver. The placenta can usually be birthed easily into the water.
• A disposable plastic liner
• A foam pad upon which to set up the tub
• A submersible pump, to drain the water easily
• A few faucet adapters, to connect the hose to your sink
• A floating thermometer
• Heating elements that keep the water warm once it has reached a certain depth.
• A foam lid, to keep the water warm and clean when you're out of the tub
• Complete directions and recommendations on tub use and cleaning
• A new, never-used garden hose for filling and draining the tub
• Lots of extra towels
• Location of electrical outlets
• Size and temperature-setting of hot water heater
• Sturdiness of flooring where tub will be placed
• Availability of ample bath towels
• Ability to protect flooring under tub
• Easy access to out-of-tub birthing/recovery area (bed, mattress on floor, etc)
• Proximity to bathroom (true for all births!)
Is Waterbirth Safe?
Yes, waterbirth is very safe, in fact worldwide statistics show that waterbirth, without the use of drugs, is the safest way to be born. The concern of most parents is will their baby inhale water and drown? Babies have what is called a dive reflex which causes them to swallow instead of inhale when water gets in their mouth or nose. They swallow and then hold their breath. Because they are still attached to the umbilical cord, they continue to receive all their needed oxygen through it, making it unnecessary to breathe up to several minutes after birth. However, we always gently but immediately bring the baby’s face out of the water after the birth to initiate breathing. When the baby’s face comes in contact with cool air, it is believed that this is one of the main things that stimulate him to breathe and most babies begin breathing within seconds of this.
The birth pool room in the hospital in Rijeka, Croatia
Water birth is accepted and practiced in many parts of the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as many European countries, including the United Kingdom and Germany, where many[specify] maternity clinics have birthing tubs. Many[specify] independent birthing centers and many home birth midwives offer water birth services. At present, water birth is often practiced by those who choose to have a home birth, because the majority of hospitals have not yet installed proper birth pools in their maternity wards. In 2006, Waterbirth International listed more than 300 U.S. hospitals that offered such facilities. At least two such hospitals were listed in the 2006 U.S. News and World Report "Honor Roll" of best U.S. hospitals: Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri and the University of Michigan hospital in Ann Arbor, MI.
It is amazing that waterbirth has spread as far and wide as it has. There are now more than 90 countries that offer waterbirth in hospitals or birth clinics. This story from Croatia means so much more when you picture the "typical" hospital births in this country. Women are alone in rooms, no access to family or friends, often intimidated to "obey" the doctors and nurses. A pool of water is such a stark contrast to this form of treatment and an inspiration to those who want to change things in hospitals anywhere else in the world. If it can be done here - it can be done anywhere.
Waterbirth is such a gentle way to enter the world! As the baby leaves his former home of warm amniotic fluid, he enters like warm water, where the sounds are muffled and the sights are dimmed, and he is gently lifted up to the surface just enough so that he can begin to breathe. His body continues to stay warm and supported in the water. Water-born babies, once they are gently pulled up out of the water, tend to cry less, while still having good muscle tone and respirations, than babies born outside of water. Some babies love to float in the water and stretch out with mom’s help. This is an incredible bonding moment between mom and baby.
The essence of being a woman is giving birth and a good mother of your children. We all know how risky and painful to have a baby and give birth. We consider also the budget every time we plan to have a child, because the amount is not a joke especially in the Philippines. If we are having a Caesarean operation [CS], it will cost not less than P50,000.00 for the hospital bills plus other expenses that you will spend after you went home from the hospital. Don’t forget the pain during the labor hours or even days. Having a child is not as simple as we use to see, it’s our blood and flesh that we are carrying in 9 months in our wombs and for Christians, abortion is not an option and a horrible sin for us. I am personally speaking about the pain of giving birth, as a mother of my kid I experienced all this matters. Instead of having caesarean operation I choose to give birth at home with my very good midwife Mrs. Mel Larotin, and I thanked her, she supported me all the way, despite of knowing that my doctors advice me to have a CS operation due of my 9lbs baby boy, I delivered it at home. It's too big for normal birth yet I did my best to deliver it normally simply just because we are not financially stable at all. But despite of it all my family are very supportive to me, emotionally, financially and they are always willing to give the best for me but I was so ashamed because it’s not my families obligations, and they spent too much money on me even I got married early & got pregnant till I came here in Israel. Financial statement for giving birth is very sensitive matter that sometimes we take all the risk just to avoid spending a thousand of pesos without even thinking that it will put our lives in danger situations. Now we have the other option of giving birth on water, a much less for our budget, safe and most of all less pain, I just hope that this waterbirth method wont encourage our fellow countrymen to count every year to give birth..[hahaha] Anyway, hope it will be of big help to other mom's out there to have more perfect choices of giving birth but of course we do need to consider always what our doctors says ‘cause we are talking about the human being inside our wombs, and safety first before anything else! Women are strong, they have all the courage, and we are the extraordinary human! Women, a friend, a sister, a teacher, guidance, a mother!
Gianinna J. Contado
When you read the words "Water & Birth", it sounds interesting, right? Well, maybe some of us heard or never yet heard about giving birth in water. What does it means? Waterbirth is a method of giving birth, inwhich involves immersion in water. Most people who experienced in doing this method say that it is the safest method of giving birth. It gives you less pain, because of the warm water helps you to relax.
The use of warm-water pools for labor and childbirth is a relatively recent phenomenon in Western societies. During the 1960s, Russian researcher Igor Charkovsky undertook considerable research into the safety and possible benefits of water birth in the Soviet Union. In the late 1960s, French obstetrician Frederick Leboyer developed the practice of immersing newly-born infants in warm water to help ease the transition from the womb to the outside world, and to mitigate the effects of any possible birth trauma.
Another French obstetrician, Michel Odent, took Leboyer's work further, using the warm-water birth pool for pain relief for the mother, and as a way to normalize the birth process. When some women refused to get out of the water to finish giving birth, Odent started researching the possible benefits for the baby of being born under water, as well as the potential problems in such births. By the late 1990s, thousands of women had given birth at Odent's birthing center at Pithiviers, and the notion of water birth had spread to many other Western countries.
Water birth first came to the United States through couples giving birth at home, but soon was introduced into the medical environment of hospitals and free-standing birth centers by obstetricians and certified nurse midwives. In 1991, Monadnock Community Hospital in Peterborough, New Hampshire became the first hospital to create a protocol for giving birth in water. By 2005, there were over 300 hospitals in the US that had adopted such protocols. More than three-quarters of all National Health Service hospitals in the UK provide this option for laboring women.
What are the benefits of waterbirth and water labor?
• Speeds up labor
• Reduces blood pressure
• Gives mother more feelings of control
• Provides significant pain relief
• Promotes relaxation
• Enables the mother to assume any position which is comfortable for labor and birth
• Conserves her energy
• Reduces the need for drugs and interventions
• Gives mother a private protected space
• Reduces perineal trauma and eliminates episiotomies
• Reduces caesarean section rates
• Is highly rated by mothers - typically stating they would consider giving birth in water again
• Is highly rated by experienced providers
• Encourages an easier birth giving for mother and a gentler welcome for baby
The water seems to act as a protective “aura” around the woman, where she feels less vulnerable and more in control of herself. As the baby is being born, the mother can choose to deliver the infant herself, as the birth attendants kneel at the tub in case they are needed. It is usually very simple for the mother, after she has the last contraction that expels the baby, to reach down, take her baby in her arms and bring baby up out of the water and to her breast. It is also very easy for dad to help catch the baby if desired.
For the baby
Childbirth can be a strenuous experience for the baby. Properly heated water[1] helps to ease the transition from the birth canal to the outside world because the warm liquid resembles the familiar intra-uterine environment, and softens light, colors and noises.
To the mother
Pain Management
Harper reports that water birth is an effective form of pain management during labor and delivery (Harper 2000). Water birth is a form of hydrotherapy which, in studies, has been shown to be an effective form of pain management for a variety of conditions especially lower back pain (a common complaint of women in labor)[citation needed]. In an appraisal of 17 randomized trials, two controlled studies, 12 cohort studies, and two case reports, it was concluded that there was a definite "benefit from hydrotherapy in pain, function, self-efficacy and affect, joint mobility, strength, and balance, particularly among older adults, subjects with rheumatic conditions and chronic low back pain," (Geytenbeek 2002). When compared with conventional pain management techniques for labor and delivery (e.g. anaesthesia and narcotics) hydrotherapy is also possibly a safer alternative. In studies, epidural anaesthesia (EDA), is correlated with an increased rate of instrumental (e.g. forceps in childbirth) delivery rates and also caesarean section rates (Ros et al. 2007). Full immersion in water promotes physiological responses in the mother that reduce pain including a redistribution of blood volume, which stimulates the release of oxytocin and vasopressin (Katz 1990), the latter which also increases oxytocin blood levels (Odent 1998). The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews has found that "the statistically significant reduction in maternal perception of pain and in the rate of epidural analgesia suggest that water immersion during the first stage of labour is beneficial for some women. No evidence was found that this benefit was associated with poorer outcomes for babies or longer labours."
What you will need to have this "WATERBIRTH"
• all that is needed is a tub that is at least12 inches deep that can be kept warm.
• Some mothers choose to labor in the tub and then birth on the bed. Others choose to labor and deliver in the water. We encourage the mother to do whichever makes her feel the most comfortable.
• Salt may be added to decrease bacteria in the water and essential oils can be dropped only in the portable tub (such as lavender, ylang-ylang, or rose for relaxation)
• The portable tub is large enough for dad to get in if desired. He can make it very comfortable for mom to rest against in the tub.
• You can wear a bra, swimsuit top or t-shirt if modest. Most of our mothers feel most free and comfortable wearing nothing, which is fine also!
• Once the baby is born, if there is no extra bleeding, you may stay in the tub for up to 20 minutes or so while waiting for the placenta to deliver. The placenta can usually be birthed easily into the water.
• A disposable plastic liner
• A foam pad upon which to set up the tub
• A submersible pump, to drain the water easily
• A few faucet adapters, to connect the hose to your sink
• A floating thermometer
• Heating elements that keep the water warm once it has reached a certain depth.
• A foam lid, to keep the water warm and clean when you're out of the tub
• Complete directions and recommendations on tub use and cleaning
• A new, never-used garden hose for filling and draining the tub
• Lots of extra towels
• Location of electrical outlets
• Size and temperature-setting of hot water heater
• Sturdiness of flooring where tub will be placed
• Availability of ample bath towels
• Ability to protect flooring under tub
• Easy access to out-of-tub birthing/recovery area (bed, mattress on floor, etc)
• Proximity to bathroom (true for all births!)
Is Waterbirth Safe?
Yes, waterbirth is very safe, in fact worldwide statistics show that waterbirth, without the use of drugs, is the safest way to be born. The concern of most parents is will their baby inhale water and drown? Babies have what is called a dive reflex which causes them to swallow instead of inhale when water gets in their mouth or nose. They swallow and then hold their breath. Because they are still attached to the umbilical cord, they continue to receive all their needed oxygen through it, making it unnecessary to breathe up to several minutes after birth. However, we always gently but immediately bring the baby’s face out of the water after the birth to initiate breathing. When the baby’s face comes in contact with cool air, it is believed that this is one of the main things that stimulate him to breathe and most babies begin breathing within seconds of this.
The birth pool room in the hospital in Rijeka, Croatia
Water birth is accepted and practiced in many parts of the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as many European countries, including the United Kingdom and Germany, where many[specify] maternity clinics have birthing tubs. Many[specify] independent birthing centers and many home birth midwives offer water birth services. At present, water birth is often practiced by those who choose to have a home birth, because the majority of hospitals have not yet installed proper birth pools in their maternity wards. In 2006, Waterbirth International listed more than 300 U.S. hospitals that offered such facilities. At least two such hospitals were listed in the 2006 U.S. News and World Report "Honor Roll" of best U.S. hospitals: Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri and the University of Michigan hospital in Ann Arbor, MI.
It is amazing that waterbirth has spread as far and wide as it has. There are now more than 90 countries that offer waterbirth in hospitals or birth clinics. This story from Croatia means so much more when you picture the "typical" hospital births in this country. Women are alone in rooms, no access to family or friends, often intimidated to "obey" the doctors and nurses. A pool of water is such a stark contrast to this form of treatment and an inspiration to those who want to change things in hospitals anywhere else in the world. If it can be done here - it can be done anywhere.
Waterbirth is such a gentle way to enter the world! As the baby leaves his former home of warm amniotic fluid, he enters like warm water, where the sounds are muffled and the sights are dimmed, and he is gently lifted up to the surface just enough so that he can begin to breathe. His body continues to stay warm and supported in the water. Water-born babies, once they are gently pulled up out of the water, tend to cry less, while still having good muscle tone and respirations, than babies born outside of water. Some babies love to float in the water and stretch out with mom’s help. This is an incredible bonding moment between mom and baby.
The essence of being a woman is giving birth and a good mother of your children. We all know how risky and painful to have a baby and give birth. We consider also the budget every time we plan to have a child, because the amount is not a joke especially in the Philippines. If we are having a Caesarean operation [CS], it will cost not less than P50,000.00 for the hospital bills plus other expenses that you will spend after you went home from the hospital. Don’t forget the pain during the labor hours or even days. Having a child is not as simple as we use to see, it’s our blood and flesh that we are carrying in 9 months in our wombs and for Christians, abortion is not an option and a horrible sin for us. I am personally speaking about the pain of giving birth, as a mother of my kid I experienced all this matters. Instead of having caesarean operation I choose to give birth at home with my very good midwife Mrs. Mel Larotin, and I thanked her, she supported me all the way, despite of knowing that my doctors advice me to have a CS operation due of my 9lbs baby boy, I delivered it at home. It's too big for normal birth yet I did my best to deliver it normally simply just because we are not financially stable at all. But despite of it all my family are very supportive to me, emotionally, financially and they are always willing to give the best for me but I was so ashamed because it’s not my families obligations, and they spent too much money on me even I got married early & got pregnant till I came here in Israel. Financial statement for giving birth is very sensitive matter that sometimes we take all the risk just to avoid spending a thousand of pesos without even thinking that it will put our lives in danger situations. Now we have the other option of giving birth on water, a much less for our budget, safe and most of all less pain, I just hope that this waterbirth method wont encourage our fellow countrymen to count every year to give birth..[hahaha] Anyway, hope it will be of big help to other mom's out there to have more perfect choices of giving birth but of course we do need to consider always what our doctors says ‘cause we are talking about the human being inside our wombs, and safety first before anything else! Women are strong, they have all the courage, and we are the extraordinary human! Women, a friend, a sister, a teacher, guidance, a mother!
Gianinna J. Contado
Spirulina: Health Discoveries From The Source Of Life
Spirulina: Health Discoveries From The Source Of Life
interview with Robert Henrikson May 1998.
Some of the most popular health questions asked about spirulina. Research shows how and why spirulina covers five of the most important health issues today:
1.Strengthens the immune system
2.Supports cardiovascular function and healthy cholesterol
3.Improves gastrointestinal and digestive health
4.Enhances natural cleansing and detoxification
5.Reduces cancer risks with antioxidant protection
We're undergoing a health revolution. As more people take responsibility for their own health, the demand for natural foods, herbal medicines and nutraceuticals is growing dramatically. One of these is a superfood called spirulina. Although this ancient algae has been eaten for centuries by traditional people, it was only rediscovered by scientists 30 years ago.
I'm here to introduce you to Robert Henrikson and his inspiring partnership with spirulina. About 20 years ago, Robert and a few other green people around the planet partnered with spirulina to bring it to the market as a world food. Robert has founded Earthrise Farms, the world's largest spirulina farm, and introduced this algae to millions of people in over 30 countries.
He has authored the book Earth Food Spirulina: How this remarkable blue-green algae can transform your life and our planet, translated so far into seven languages. Algae is introducing itself to us just in time. Our planet faces a health crisis - we call it an environmental crisis. At the same time, new bacteria, viruses and chemical pollution challenge our own health.
Robert says he has been eating spirulina as long as anyone has - for over 20 years. He will introduce you to the discoveries from the source of life - the amazing health benefits of spirulina - for people, animals and our planet.
First, Robert, tell us how and why you began your relationship with spirulina 22 years ago.
I was looking for something worthwhile to do, bigger than myself, something that could change the world. My close friend Larry Switzer introduced me to spirulina in 1976, and I've been excited ever since. By then, scientists knew it was a safe food, had been consumed for hundreds of years by traditional people, and showed promising nutritional and therapeutic benefits. It was even believed to be 20 times more productive as a protein source than any other food. Possible to grow a pure culture on a large scale in many places around the world. If this algae were consumed by millions of people, it would have great benefits especially for the world's children and our planet's future. One problem - 22 years ago, no one had actually done it.
Well, how and where did you actually start?
The perfect climate for growing spirulina was the hottest and sunniest place. So, we left the comforts of Berkeley for the remote California desert, south of Palm Springs. The locals laughed about these guys from Berkeley coming to the desert to grow algae. Our first ponds were wiped out by a flood that hadn't happened in a hundred years, so we built a second prototype farm. Four years later, we began in 1981, the first US production farm.
Robert, just what is spirulina?
It's a microscopic algae in the shape of a perfect spiral coil. This first photosynthetic life form, our immortal ancestor, was designed by nature 3.5 billion years ago. Blue-green algae like spirulina produced the oxygen in our atmosphere allowing all higher life forms to evolve. It has renewed itself with billions of years of successful evolutionary wisdom coded in its DNA.
Why has spirulina been called a superfood?
Because it contains the most remarkable concentration of nutrients known in any food, plant, grain or herb. Its the highest protein food- over 60% all digestible vegetable protein. It has the highest concentration of beta carotene, vitamin B-12, iron and trace minerals and the rare essential fatty acid GLA. These make spirulina a great whole food alternative to isolated vitamin and minerals.
I've been reading about nutraceuticals and phytonutrients. What does spirulina contain?
Scientists are identifying whole foods and plants with special life enhancing compounds, called phytonutrients. They are the leading edge of the health revolution. Spirulina is loaded with unique phytonutrients like phycocyanin, polysaccharides and sulfolipids that enhance the immune system, possibly reducing risks of infection, cancer and auto immune disease. Rich in natural carotenoid antioxidants that promote cellular health and reduce the risk of cancer. It has cleansing chlorophyll which helps detoxify our bodies of ever present pollution.
And spirulina is a safe algae, right?
Spirulina is unique among blue-green algae because it has a long history of safe use. The Aztecs consumed spirulina in Mexico over five centuries ago. Indigenous people consume spirulina growing in African Lakes today. For the past 20 years, millions of people around the world have enjoyed it as a safe food supplement. In fact, the United Nations and the World Health Organization recommend spirulina as safe and nutritious for children.
That's great, but I've heard some wild blue green algae may be toxic.
Just like mushrooms and plants, some kinds of algae are toxic. Wild algae harvested from lakes may be contaminated by other toxic algae. Unlike algae growing wild in an uncontrolled environment, spirulina has a huge advantage. It can be safely cultivated in a pure culture. At Earthrise Farms, spirulina is scientifically cultivated using ecological farming methods.
How do you cultivate, harvest and process spirulina?
Our ecological farming means no pesticides or herbicides are ever used. Spirulina grows in over 30 ponds, each larger than a football field. Long paddlewheels mix the pond water for optimum growth. We harvest every day during the growing season, April through November. Spirulina rich water is pumped to the sealed harvest building for a quick 15 minute journey through the stainless steel harvest and drying system. Dehydration takes only a few seconds, preserving heat sensitive pigments and phytonutrients with no preservatives, no additives and no irradiation.
How do you assure quality?
Spirulina powder is cold pressed directly into tablets and sealed into bottles at the special Earthrise Farms bottling plant. Each day farm scientists conduct over 40 quality control tests on each lot - from the ponds to the packaged product. In this way we can guarantee quality, purity and potency from the living ponds to the customer. This integrated system offers a new model for Earth-friendly food production.
Isn't spirulina one of the most productive foods in the world?
Spirulina offers more nutrition per acre than any other food. Spirulina delivers 20 times more protein per acre than soybeans, 200 times more than beef. By growing more spirulina, we can help stop cutting the last original forests to grow food. By bringing it into our personal lives, we become part of the solution to improve the health of our planet.
What do people say about spirulina's health benefits? You've probably heard thousand of testimonials over the years.
Yes, I have. For the past 20 years, people around the world have told me such amazing stories about their results from spirulina. They've experienced increased energy and alertness, reduced weight, enhanced cleansing and fasting, and increased resistance to disease. Spirulina is great for people of all ages, including children. Older people find it easy-to-digest. Athletes find it provides energy and endurance and speeds recovery. I've heard about so many remarkable recoveries from life-threatening illness.
A lot of people take herbs and botanicals. Does spirulina do the same things they do?
Herbs have specialized active ingredients that correct a health condition when we are out of balance or depleted. For example, echinacea and golden seal can help fight off colds or flu. Some herbs should only be taken for a limited time because of possible side effects. However, spirulina is a safe whole food, and can be enjoyed every day. It works in many ways to strengthen and balance our health, offering a rich nutrient profile to deeply nourish our bodies. It builds a strong foundation, so we are less vulnerable to invading bacteria and viruses. It's so potent, only a few grams a day are needed.
Does spirulina contain colloidal and ionic forms of minerals?
Essential minerals may be missing from conventional foods grown in depleted soils. But most isolated mineral supplements aren't well absorbed or utilized by our bodies. Spirulina grows in water supplemented with trace minerals in ionic form. These are absorbed and chelated by spirulina. Calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium and other trace minerals now in natural colloidal plant form are well utilized by our bodies. They nourish and power our critical enzyme systems.
How does spirulina balance and strengthen our immune system?
Scientific theory explains the prime directive of our body's metabolism is to support our immune system. When our immune system is stressed or suffering, it draws on our body's metabolic energy. People with immune system imbalance often feel chronic fatigue and low energy.
Both scientific research and the experience of thousands of people indicate spirulina is an immune regulating food. Small amounts can help balance and stabilize the immune system, freeing up more of our metabolic energy for vitality, healing and assimilation of nutrients. It enhances the body's cellular communication process and its ability to read and repair DNA, like a kind of cellular tune up. This is why people taking spirulina often report they have more energy.
Is there actual scientific evidence for all these claims?
Yes. An international detective hunt has been underway for over 20 years. Scientists around the world - in Japan, China, India, Europe, Russia and the USA - are discovering how and why spirulina is so effective for human and animal health. Hundreds of published scientific studies reveal how spirulina and its unique phytonutrients boost the immune system and improve health. No other algae has been the subject of such intense research.
You've said spirulina works in many ways to strengthen our health. Where do we begin?
Scientific discoveries show how spirulina benefits five of the most important health issues today: 1. Strengthening the immune system. 2. Supporting cardiovascular health and lowering cholesterol. 3. Improving gastrointestinal and digestive health. 4. Enhancing natural cleansing and detoxification. 5. Reducing cancer risks with better antioxidant protection.
How does spirulina strengthen the immune system?
Over the years I've heard from so many people that they have fewer colds and flu, or if they get a cold, they escape more chronic symptoms. They say wounds heal faster and they recover more quickly from illness. They have more energy. Spirulina is a powerful tonic for the immune system.
Published studies from all over the world feeding mice, hamsters, chickens, turkeys, cats, fish and even humans, confirm spirulina improves immune system function. Medical scientists discovered it not only stimulates the immune system, it actually enhances the body's ability to generate new blood cells. Important parts of the immune system, bone marrow stem cells, macrophages, T-cells and natural killer cells, spleen and thymus glands - all show enhanced activity. Scientists observe it causes macrophages to increase in number, become activated and more effective killing germs.
Because spirulina increases disease resistance in animals, even in very small doses, the animal feed industry is studying its use as an new probiotic to help replace overused antibiotic drugs in animal feeds. Scientists in Japan have published new studies showing a purified extract unique to spirulina inhibits replication of HIV-1, Herpes, Influenza, Mumps and Measles virus in-vitro yet is very safe for human cells.
The phytonutrients responsible for strengthening the immune system are beta carotene, phycocyanin and polysaccharides. Of course, scientists are confirming what people have been experiencing all along.
How does spirulina enhance cardiovascular health and help lower cholesterol?
Many people are taking dietary supplements to support a healthy heart and lower cholesterol. One of these people, my father, was prescribed drugs to lower his cholesterol ten years ago. Instead he began taking spirulina and niacin. Now he's a vibrant 82, and his cholesterol level is still safe and under control.
Scientists have been confirming this too. Animal nutrition studies in Mexico, Argentina, Japan and India found the same cholesterol lowering benefits and an improvement in heart artery function for lower blood pressure. Published scientific studies with men in Japan and India showed several grams of spirulina daily can lower cholesterol. These studies suggest spirulina will reduce serum LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins - the bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (High Density Lipoproteins - the good guys).
Human studies in Germany and India found a weight reduction effect along with cholesterol reduction. All these studies indicate spirulina is a useful supplement for cardiovascular health and for lowering cholesterol.
How does it improve gastrointestinal and digestive health?
When people take spirulina they often notice immediate change in regularity and elimination. Research confirms it does promote digestion and bowel function. It suppresses bad bacteria like e-coli and Candida yeast and stimulates beneficial flora like lactobacillus and bifidobacteria. Healthy flora is the foundation of good health and it increases absorption of nutrients from the foods we eat, and helps protect against infection.
In a village clinic in Togo, West Africa, we provided a tablespoon a day to undernourished children. Their mothers praised this 'green medicine' for bringing rapid recovery and weight gain. Other studies with malnourished children in Mexico, India, Romania, Rwanda and Zaire, have shown easily digested spirulina is beneficial when intestines no longer absorb food effectively.
It's a great food for malnourished people precisely because it helps rebuild healthy intestinal flora, which are essential for the utilization of more complex foods. Because in AIDS patients, nutrient malabsorption associated with opportunistic infections can initiate full blown AIDS, we've been donating spirulina to health clinics for HIV positive people.
How does spirulina enhance natural cleansing and detoxification?
When spirulina was first introduced 20 years ago, people quickly discovered it accelerated detoxification during fasting and cleansing. Later, in Japan, researchers found spirulina significantly reduced kidney toxicity caused by the heavy metal mercury and three pharmaceutical drugs. This suggested it's beneficial for humans suffering from heavy metal poisoning. Other researchers found rats consuming spirulina or chlorella algae eliminated 7 times the dangerous chemical dioxin compared to a control diet.
In 1994, a Russian Patent was awarded for spirulina as a medical food to reduce allergic reactions from radiation sickness. 270 Children of Chernobyl consuming 5 grams a day for 45 days (donated by Earthrise Farms), lowered radionucleides by 50%, and normalized allergic sensitivities.
Today we are subject to an onslaught of toxic chemicals in our air, water, food and drugs. Our bodies need to continually eliminate these accumulated toxins. Spirulina has a completely unique combination of phytonutrients - including chlorophyll, phycocyanin and polysaccharides, that can help cleanse our bodies.
How does spirulina increase antioxidant protection and reduce cancer risks?
Free radical molecules damage our body's cells. They are caused by pollution, poor diet, stress and injury. Antioxidant nutrients fight these dangerous oxidizing free radicals. They also stimulate our immune system to guard against cancer and other diseases and even slow the aging process. Major antioxidant vitamins are beta carotene (provitamin A) C, and E. Antioxidant minerals selenium, maganese, zinc, copper, iron and chromium form our bodies antioxidant enzymes. Spirulina contains all these nutrients, and exceptionally high levels of beta carotene and iron, and zinc in super spirulina.
Research shows spirulina helps protect Vitamin C from potency loss. In the past 20 years, many studies have shown natural beta carotene from fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of many cancers. Spirulina's beta carotene has been widely studied in India with thousands of people. Just one gram a day for a year given to 5000 pre school children, significantly reduced the incidence of eye disease. One gram a day caused total regression of mouth cancer lesions in 44% of male tobacco chewers.
This reinforced an earlier Harvard study that showed a spirulina extract used topically, reversed oral cancer tumors in hamsters. Chinese scientists found the unique polysaccharides also have antioxidant properties. No doubt, spirulina is one of the most powerful antioxidant whole foods.
These remarkable reports on spirulina's benefits come from all over the world. But does all spirulina have the same quality, purity and potency?
First, there's a wide range in quality, because it can come from many countries. Customers should check the label - does it say exactly where it's grown? Is the cultivation controlled for a pure culture? With the growing concern about contaminated algae harvested from lakes, the source is important. Many people now prefer certified organic foods. Second, there's a wide variety in potency. Maintaining the highest levels of the carotenoids, phycocyanin and polysaccharides is very important.
Well, you've presented a lot of scientific evidence for spirulina's health benefits. Can you summarize what all this means to us?
This scientific evidence is the just tip of a large body of international research. When I attended a world algae conference in South Africa in 1996, hundreds of scientific papers were presented. By far, the greatest number were presented on spirulina. Scientists will continue to uncover its health benefits because spirulina is a safe natural food with huge global potential. Of course, people who consume it already know how much better they feel, how much more energy they have, how much more resistant to disease and infection they are. Spirulina is a truly amazing therapeutic food. Knowing this, I urge every health conscious person to take a little spirulina every day.
We're discussing the health discoveries of spirulina algae with Robert Henrikson, author of Earth Food Spirulina. Robert, I've collected some popular questions people have asked. They want to know how spirulina is different from other popular algae, how it's ecologically cultivated, and what are its environmental advantages and its potential as a global food and medicinal resource. But first, some often asked health questions.
How are phytonutrients important for health, and why are they called the next step beyond vitamins and minerals?
In the cover story "Better than Vitamins," Newsweek asserted: ³It is whole foods...that pack the disease preventing wallop. That's because they harbor a whole ratatouille of compounds that have never seen the inside of a vitamin bottle... The compounds are called phytochemicals... In the world where science merges with health, phytochemicals are the next big thing.² The new stars of the health revolution are probiotics, antioxidants, nutraceuticals and phytonutrients loaded with disease preventing nutrients.
Even the U.S. Congress joined the bandwagon. The 1994 Dietary Supplement Act states: "There is a link between the ingestion of certain nutrients or dietary supplements and the prevention of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis."
You've probably noticed the growing popularity of herbs and botanicals. People aren't looking for megadoses of poorly absorbed isolated vitamins and minerals. They want health from functional nutrients in foods and plants.
The scientific research with spirulina identifies some unusual health giving phytonutrients. What are they?
Spirulina's dark color comes from a rainbow of natural pigments. They harvest sunlight at different wavelengths and protect from too much sun. These pigments offer unusual health benefits and help synthesize many enzymes necessary for regulating body metabolism. They are chlorophyll (green), carotenoids (yellow and orange) and phycocyanin (blue), the dominant color.
Not all spirulina is grown, processed and packaged the same way. Levels of these sensitive pigments vary widely. Spirulina needs high levels of all three to provide optimum health benefits. At Earthrise Farms, all three are tested on every day's production to assure potency.
I know beta carotene is an anti-cancer antioxidant nutrient. Is natural different than synthetic beta carotene?
Spirulina is the richest beta carotene food, with a full spectrum of ten mixed carotenoids. About half are orange carotenes: alpha, beta and gamma and half are yellow xanthophylls. They work synergistically at different sites in our body to enhance antioxidant protection.
Twenty years of research proves eating beta carotene rich fruits and vegetables gives us real anti-cancer protection. Synthetic beta carotene has not always shown these benefits. Research in Israel showed natural beta carotene from algae was far more effective. Natural is better assimilated and contains the key 9-cis isomer, lacking in synthetic. As suspected, natural carotenoids in algae and vegetables have the most antioxidant and anti-cancer power.
I'm familiar with chlorophyll. Its in all green plants.
That's right. Spirulina has one of nature's highest levels - about 1%. Chlorophyll is known for cleansing and detoxifying. It's sometimes called 'green blood' because it looks like the blood hemoglobin molecule. Blood has iron at its core, giving it a red color, and chlorophyll has magnesium, making it green. Spirulina's beneficial effect on anemia could be due to this similarity combined with its high bioavailable iron.
I don't know much about phycocyanin. What is it?
This protein complex is about 14% of spirulina. Phycocyanin means 'algae-blue', and is found only in blue-green algae. It evolved a billion years before chlorophyll. It may be the precursor to chlorophyll and hemoglobin, because it has both magnesium and iron at its core. Phycocyanin may be the origin of life common to both plants and animals. Research shows it stimulates the immune system, builds both red and white blood cells and assists detoxification. Chinese scientists claim phycocyanin regulates production of white blood cells even when bone marrow cells are damaged by toxic chemicals or radiation.
I'd like to know more about the other phytonutrients. Why are polysaccharides often mentioned in research?
Spirulina contains about 20% carbohydrates and sugars, making up its soft cell walls. The primary forms are rhamnose and glycogen, two polysaccharides easily absorbed by the body. Spirulina offers quick energy, without taxing the pancreas or triggering hypoglycemia.
As early as 1979, the Russians were first to discover spirulina polysaccharides stimulated the immune system of rabbits. The rest of the world didn't hear about this until 1994! Meanwhile, scientists in China, Japan and the USA found spirulina and its polysaccharide extract supercharged the immune system against viruses and germs. It acts much like a broad spectrum vaccine against invading bacteria. Based on studies with hamsters and fish, rabbits and rats, chickens and cats, as little as 3 grams a day may be effective for humans.
How about sulfolipids and glycolipids?
The National Cancer Institute found sulfolipids in blue-green algae were 'remarkably active' against the AIDS virus in vitro. Spirulina contains 5-8% lipids, and 40% of these are glycolipids and sulfolipids. These compounds seem to prevent viruses from either attaching to or penetrating cells, preventing viral infection. Meanwhile, the virus can be eliminated by the body's defenses. Exciting new research in Japan and the USA has confirmed spirulina extracts in vitro can inhibit replication of the HIV virus.
What is so unique about spirulina as a source of GLA?
We need a dietary source of essential fatty acids. One is gamma-linolenic acid - a precursor to the body's prostaglandins - master hormones that control many functions. But poor diet, saturated fats and alcohol can cause GLA deficiency leading to conditions like heart disease and premenstrual stress. A food source of GLA is important, especially for women. Known GLA foods are mothers milk and oil extracts of evening primrose, black currant and borage seeds. Spirulina is a potent source, an astonishing 1% by weight! Eight spirulina tablets contain equivalent GLA to a capsule of primrose oil. I've heard from many women who have appreciated spirulina's benefits for PMS and for healthy, beautiful skin.
How digestible is spirulina?
It's 95% digestible. It existed a billion years before plants even evolved indigestible cellulose to protect their cells. Spirulina builds soft cell walls from a network of proteins, polysaccharides and enzymes. It just melts away inside your body. This is important for those who suffer from poor digestion or malabsorption, or for older people with restricted diets.
Enzymes are important. How can spirulina build our body's enzyme systems?
Enzymes in our bodies digest our food, cut, paste and repair our DNA and power our critical body systems. It's always good to enhance our diet with raw foods like fresh fruit, vegetables and juices, which are rich in natural living enzymes. Dehydrated superfoods like spirulina still have some natural enzymes present. More importantly, spirulina has building blocks such as minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants and polysaccharides that trigger our bodies own enzyme systems to flourish and perform their many tasks.
I've heard about balancing body pH for good health. Can spirulina do this?
It grows in very alkaline waters above pH 8. It's considered an alkaline food, and will help your body toward more alkalinity. Its a great balancer for any diet filled with acidic foods like sugar, coffee, soda, alcohol or meat. A balanced system will strengthen your health and increase resistance to disease.
How much should people take and when should they take it?
Long time consumers and scientific evidence both suggest 2-5 grams a day bring significant health benefits. This is a teaspoon of powder or 6 to 20 tablets. Take it every day for best results. Because spirulina is a whole food, you can take it alone or with meals. Take convenient tablets anytime. Or, mix spirulina powder in a fruit juice smoothie as an instant breakfast, or in a vegetable juice smoothie in the afternoon.
Is spirulina recommended for pregnant mothers, infants and children?
Yes, its a perfect supplement. Iron deficiency anemia in mothers and children is the most prevalent nutritional disorder. Pregnant women can use spirulina's vegetable protein and bioavailable iron. In India and Vietnam, doctors prescribe spirulina for pregnant and nursing mothers and their infants. Parents are often surprised how much their children enjoy this green food. Kids like to suck on tablets and munch spirulina covered popcorn.
What are the benefits for an aging population?
Spirulina is an ideal anti-aging food: concentrated nutrient value, easily digested and loaded with antioxidants. Beta carotene is good for healthy eyes and vision. This all vegetable, low fat protein means we can lighten up on a meat centered diet that can aggravate arthritis and raise cholesterol. When we choose to eat less meat, vegetables like spirulina are good sources of more iron and essential minerals.
As people age, many who don't eat enough, have restricted diets or poor digestion may experience low energy from being undernourished. Spirulina builds healthy lactobacillus, aiding assimilation and elimination and relieving constipation. Older people really notice an energy boost. In Japan, 73% of those taking spirulina are over 50 years old!
What will spirulina do for athletes?
Athletes need extra nutrition. Spirulina is a high intensity superfood for a high intensity workout. Taken before jogging or competition, it delivers energy and improves stamina. Bikers, backpackers and mountain climbers will appreciate this lightweight survival food. For bodybuilders, it offers 60% protein and amino acids, low in fat. It's helpful for reducing caloric intake, essential for maintaining competitive weight.
World Class athletes use spirulina to improve performance. The Cuban Ministry of Sports gave it to their athletes to intensify training before the 1996 Olympic games. Cuban track stars have consumed it for many years. They say it helps create and mend muscle mass and helps iron retention. It improves endurance and wards off cramping for marathoners. When training increases appetite, spirulina curbs hunger.
When I was invited to the largest Chinese training center for 2000 athletes, I thought I was going to introduce them to spirulina. But, I soon found out it was their secret ingredient they'd been using for five years. The trainers said they prescribed it for athletes for all sports. It boosts the immune system and improves recovery, so their athletes can intensify training, for which they are famous. Where does their spirulina come from? I found out this Chinese training center has its own, private and exclusive spirulina farm.
Can a person lose weight taking spirulina?
It's not an appetite suppressant. It contains no drugs that trick the body. Yet, many people find taking a few tablets or a spirulina drink an hour before mealtime can help satisfy appetite, so they eat less. We know when we're going to be hungry, so just plan ahead. Because it's rich in iron, often deficient in women on low calorie diets, spirulina is ideal support for any diet. Best of all, it helps us to lighten up and make the switch from a bulky diet to lighter, more powerful foods.
How about fasting? Can a person live on spirulina alone?
I don't suggest living on one food, not even spirulina. I believe a biodiverse diet is best for good health. There are times when I take only spirulina with water or juice - when I fast 3 to 7 days once or twice a year. Fasting one day a week is common practice in traditional societies and religions. Going without food for three days or longer allows the body to cleanse and renew itself. In the late 1970s, one of the first discoveries was spirulina's value in fasting. This easy-to-digest food provides energy and stamina for work and play, while making cleansing much easier and more effective.
Is spirulina good for pets and other animals?
Yes. Walk into any pet store and you'll find it's a popular supplement for fish, birds and pets. In fact, much of the global spirulina production is consumed by aquaculture raised fish and prawns, tropical fish, ornamental birds, horses and even cats and dogs. In the 1970s, the first use was enhancing the beautiful colors in fancy koi carp. Then fish and prawn farmers discovered it increased growth rates, survival, color, and reduced medications. Today, spirulina is in most premium aquarium feeds.
Zoos feed their flamingos a spirulina diet, like the millions of pink flamingos living on it in East African lakes. Ornamental bird breeders use it to enhance color, health and fertility. Tiny amounts in diets of young turkeys and chickens builds disease resistance, reducing the need for antibiotics. In reptiles, it improves skin gloss and disease resistance. For thoroughbred racehorses, it improves speed and recovery.
If you give spirulina to your dog or cat, you'll notice healthier skin, lustrous coat and fresher breath. Older animals may regain their flexibility. It's not unusual for a pet owner to ask: "Is spirulina good for me, too?"
Well, the uses and benefits of spirulina seem much clearer now. Yet, there is public confusion about algae. What's the difference between spirulina, chlorella and wild blue green algae?
There are hundreds of kinds of microscopic algae. Chlorella is a green algae. Spirulina (scientifically known as Arthrospira platensis) is a blue-green algae. Both are known to be safe and nutritious whole foods, consumed by millions of people over the past 20 years. Their safety is backed by hundreds of scientific studies. Both are cultivated in pure cultures at specially designed algaefarms.
Many other kinds of algae grow wild and uncontrolled in lakes and waterways, such as the blue-green algae aphanizomenon and microcystis. They bloom on whatever nutrients or pollutants are available. Some algae, like microcystis, are toxic, just like some land plants and mushrooms. One problem harvesting wild algae like aphanizomenon, popularly called blue-green algae, is that it can be contaminated with toxic algae like microcystis.
It's important to realize the big advantage in growing a pure culture of safe spirulina in a controlled environment. You can be assured it's pure and safe all the way from the living ponds to the consumer.
How can spirulina claim to be ecologically cultivated, certified pesticide free and certified organic?
Cultivation of spirulina is Earth-friendly: it does not cause pollution, soil erosion or water contamination. No preservatives, no stabilizers, no irradiation. People are concerned about pesticides in their fruits and vegetables. Spirulina is grown free of pesticides. Every lot is tested. Independent labs have not detected any of 66 environmental pesticide residues, so it is certified pesticide free.
In your book, Earth Food Spirulina, you say spirulina has resource advantages of land, water and energy? How does growing it save fertile land and soil?
Spirulina is more than 60% protein, yielding 20 times more protein per acre than soybeans and over 200 times more than beef. One kilo of corn protein causes 22 kilos of topsoil loss. One kilo of beef protein causes 145 kilos loss. Growing spirulina causes no soil erosion, and does not even need fertile land.
And what about spirulina cultivation's evergy efficiency?
Water is recycled back to the ponds after harvesting. Growing ponds are sealed, so very little water seeps through the ground. The only significant water loss is through evaporation. Spirulina protein uses 25% the water as soy, 17% as corn and only 2% the water required for beef protein.
And energy efficiency?
Spirulina requires less energy input per kilo than soy, corn or beef, including solar and generated energy. Its energy efficiency is 5 times higher than soy, 2 times higher than corn, and over 100 times higher than beef.
How much carbon dioxide does spirulina consume, and how much oxygen does it produce?
Trees are the best land plants for absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide. They fix from one to four tons of carbon per hectare per year. Spirulina is even more efficient. In the California desert, spirulina fixes 6.3 tons of carbon per hectare per year, and produces 16.8 tons of oxygen.
So these are the reasons why you believe algae is both good for you and good for our planet.
Spirulina can help restore our lives. It's the next best thing to eating sunlight! Eat algae and bring light into your own cells. Take a few tablets a day and embark on a new path. Eat less and get more from nutrient dense food. Consume less and live lighter on the Earth. Magnified by millions of people, life begins to change. This is a magnificent legacy for our next generations.
However, simply eating wild algae won't transform our planet. There are only a few lakes in the world where wild algae can be harvested safely for food. But cultivating algae will make a difference. Algae harvests sunlight, transforming light to living matter more efficiently. By growing algae, less of our planet's fertile surface is needed to convert sunlight into food. We can help stop cutting the last forests to grow food. By using spirulina for our personal health, we become part of the solution to improve our planetary health.
G i a n i n n a J. C on t a d o
interview with Robert Henrikson May 1998.
Some of the most popular health questions asked about spirulina. Research shows how and why spirulina covers five of the most important health issues today:
1.Strengthens the immune system
2.Supports cardiovascular function and healthy cholesterol
3.Improves gastrointestinal and digestive health
4.Enhances natural cleansing and detoxification
5.Reduces cancer risks with antioxidant protection
We're undergoing a health revolution. As more people take responsibility for their own health, the demand for natural foods, herbal medicines and nutraceuticals is growing dramatically. One of these is a superfood called spirulina. Although this ancient algae has been eaten for centuries by traditional people, it was only rediscovered by scientists 30 years ago.
I'm here to introduce you to Robert Henrikson and his inspiring partnership with spirulina. About 20 years ago, Robert and a few other green people around the planet partnered with spirulina to bring it to the market as a world food. Robert has founded Earthrise Farms, the world's largest spirulina farm, and introduced this algae to millions of people in over 30 countries.
He has authored the book Earth Food Spirulina: How this remarkable blue-green algae can transform your life and our planet, translated so far into seven languages. Algae is introducing itself to us just in time. Our planet faces a health crisis - we call it an environmental crisis. At the same time, new bacteria, viruses and chemical pollution challenge our own health.
Robert says he has been eating spirulina as long as anyone has - for over 20 years. He will introduce you to the discoveries from the source of life - the amazing health benefits of spirulina - for people, animals and our planet.
First, Robert, tell us how and why you began your relationship with spirulina 22 years ago.
I was looking for something worthwhile to do, bigger than myself, something that could change the world. My close friend Larry Switzer introduced me to spirulina in 1976, and I've been excited ever since. By then, scientists knew it was a safe food, had been consumed for hundreds of years by traditional people, and showed promising nutritional and therapeutic benefits. It was even believed to be 20 times more productive as a protein source than any other food. Possible to grow a pure culture on a large scale in many places around the world. If this algae were consumed by millions of people, it would have great benefits especially for the world's children and our planet's future. One problem - 22 years ago, no one had actually done it.
Well, how and where did you actually start?
The perfect climate for growing spirulina was the hottest and sunniest place. So, we left the comforts of Berkeley for the remote California desert, south of Palm Springs. The locals laughed about these guys from Berkeley coming to the desert to grow algae. Our first ponds were wiped out by a flood that hadn't happened in a hundred years, so we built a second prototype farm. Four years later, we began in 1981, the first US production farm.
Robert, just what is spirulina?
It's a microscopic algae in the shape of a perfect spiral coil. This first photosynthetic life form, our immortal ancestor, was designed by nature 3.5 billion years ago. Blue-green algae like spirulina produced the oxygen in our atmosphere allowing all higher life forms to evolve. It has renewed itself with billions of years of successful evolutionary wisdom coded in its DNA.
Why has spirulina been called a superfood?
Because it contains the most remarkable concentration of nutrients known in any food, plant, grain or herb. Its the highest protein food- over 60% all digestible vegetable protein. It has the highest concentration of beta carotene, vitamin B-12, iron and trace minerals and the rare essential fatty acid GLA. These make spirulina a great whole food alternative to isolated vitamin and minerals.
I've been reading about nutraceuticals and phytonutrients. What does spirulina contain?
Scientists are identifying whole foods and plants with special life enhancing compounds, called phytonutrients. They are the leading edge of the health revolution. Spirulina is loaded with unique phytonutrients like phycocyanin, polysaccharides and sulfolipids that enhance the immune system, possibly reducing risks of infection, cancer and auto immune disease. Rich in natural carotenoid antioxidants that promote cellular health and reduce the risk of cancer. It has cleansing chlorophyll which helps detoxify our bodies of ever present pollution.
And spirulina is a safe algae, right?
Spirulina is unique among blue-green algae because it has a long history of safe use. The Aztecs consumed spirulina in Mexico over five centuries ago. Indigenous people consume spirulina growing in African Lakes today. For the past 20 years, millions of people around the world have enjoyed it as a safe food supplement. In fact, the United Nations and the World Health Organization recommend spirulina as safe and nutritious for children.
That's great, but I've heard some wild blue green algae may be toxic.
Just like mushrooms and plants, some kinds of algae are toxic. Wild algae harvested from lakes may be contaminated by other toxic algae. Unlike algae growing wild in an uncontrolled environment, spirulina has a huge advantage. It can be safely cultivated in a pure culture. At Earthrise Farms, spirulina is scientifically cultivated using ecological farming methods.
How do you cultivate, harvest and process spirulina?
Our ecological farming means no pesticides or herbicides are ever used. Spirulina grows in over 30 ponds, each larger than a football field. Long paddlewheels mix the pond water for optimum growth. We harvest every day during the growing season, April through November. Spirulina rich water is pumped to the sealed harvest building for a quick 15 minute journey through the stainless steel harvest and drying system. Dehydration takes only a few seconds, preserving heat sensitive pigments and phytonutrients with no preservatives, no additives and no irradiation.
How do you assure quality?
Spirulina powder is cold pressed directly into tablets and sealed into bottles at the special Earthrise Farms bottling plant. Each day farm scientists conduct over 40 quality control tests on each lot - from the ponds to the packaged product. In this way we can guarantee quality, purity and potency from the living ponds to the customer. This integrated system offers a new model for Earth-friendly food production.
Isn't spirulina one of the most productive foods in the world?
Spirulina offers more nutrition per acre than any other food. Spirulina delivers 20 times more protein per acre than soybeans, 200 times more than beef. By growing more spirulina, we can help stop cutting the last original forests to grow food. By bringing it into our personal lives, we become part of the solution to improve the health of our planet.
What do people say about spirulina's health benefits? You've probably heard thousand of testimonials over the years.
Yes, I have. For the past 20 years, people around the world have told me such amazing stories about their results from spirulina. They've experienced increased energy and alertness, reduced weight, enhanced cleansing and fasting, and increased resistance to disease. Spirulina is great for people of all ages, including children. Older people find it easy-to-digest. Athletes find it provides energy and endurance and speeds recovery. I've heard about so many remarkable recoveries from life-threatening illness.
A lot of people take herbs and botanicals. Does spirulina do the same things they do?
Herbs have specialized active ingredients that correct a health condition when we are out of balance or depleted. For example, echinacea and golden seal can help fight off colds or flu. Some herbs should only be taken for a limited time because of possible side effects. However, spirulina is a safe whole food, and can be enjoyed every day. It works in many ways to strengthen and balance our health, offering a rich nutrient profile to deeply nourish our bodies. It builds a strong foundation, so we are less vulnerable to invading bacteria and viruses. It's so potent, only a few grams a day are needed.
Does spirulina contain colloidal and ionic forms of minerals?
Essential minerals may be missing from conventional foods grown in depleted soils. But most isolated mineral supplements aren't well absorbed or utilized by our bodies. Spirulina grows in water supplemented with trace minerals in ionic form. These are absorbed and chelated by spirulina. Calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium and other trace minerals now in natural colloidal plant form are well utilized by our bodies. They nourish and power our critical enzyme systems.
How does spirulina balance and strengthen our immune system?
Scientific theory explains the prime directive of our body's metabolism is to support our immune system. When our immune system is stressed or suffering, it draws on our body's metabolic energy. People with immune system imbalance often feel chronic fatigue and low energy.
Both scientific research and the experience of thousands of people indicate spirulina is an immune regulating food. Small amounts can help balance and stabilize the immune system, freeing up more of our metabolic energy for vitality, healing and assimilation of nutrients. It enhances the body's cellular communication process and its ability to read and repair DNA, like a kind of cellular tune up. This is why people taking spirulina often report they have more energy.
Is there actual scientific evidence for all these claims?
Yes. An international detective hunt has been underway for over 20 years. Scientists around the world - in Japan, China, India, Europe, Russia and the USA - are discovering how and why spirulina is so effective for human and animal health. Hundreds of published scientific studies reveal how spirulina and its unique phytonutrients boost the immune system and improve health. No other algae has been the subject of such intense research.
You've said spirulina works in many ways to strengthen our health. Where do we begin?
Scientific discoveries show how spirulina benefits five of the most important health issues today: 1. Strengthening the immune system. 2. Supporting cardiovascular health and lowering cholesterol. 3. Improving gastrointestinal and digestive health. 4. Enhancing natural cleansing and detoxification. 5. Reducing cancer risks with better antioxidant protection.
How does spirulina strengthen the immune system?
Over the years I've heard from so many people that they have fewer colds and flu, or if they get a cold, they escape more chronic symptoms. They say wounds heal faster and they recover more quickly from illness. They have more energy. Spirulina is a powerful tonic for the immune system.
Published studies from all over the world feeding mice, hamsters, chickens, turkeys, cats, fish and even humans, confirm spirulina improves immune system function. Medical scientists discovered it not only stimulates the immune system, it actually enhances the body's ability to generate new blood cells. Important parts of the immune system, bone marrow stem cells, macrophages, T-cells and natural killer cells, spleen and thymus glands - all show enhanced activity. Scientists observe it causes macrophages to increase in number, become activated and more effective killing germs.
Because spirulina increases disease resistance in animals, even in very small doses, the animal feed industry is studying its use as an new probiotic to help replace overused antibiotic drugs in animal feeds. Scientists in Japan have published new studies showing a purified extract unique to spirulina inhibits replication of HIV-1, Herpes, Influenza, Mumps and Measles virus in-vitro yet is very safe for human cells.
The phytonutrients responsible for strengthening the immune system are beta carotene, phycocyanin and polysaccharides. Of course, scientists are confirming what people have been experiencing all along.
How does spirulina enhance cardiovascular health and help lower cholesterol?
Many people are taking dietary supplements to support a healthy heart and lower cholesterol. One of these people, my father, was prescribed drugs to lower his cholesterol ten years ago. Instead he began taking spirulina and niacin. Now he's a vibrant 82, and his cholesterol level is still safe and under control.
Scientists have been confirming this too. Animal nutrition studies in Mexico, Argentina, Japan and India found the same cholesterol lowering benefits and an improvement in heart artery function for lower blood pressure. Published scientific studies with men in Japan and India showed several grams of spirulina daily can lower cholesterol. These studies suggest spirulina will reduce serum LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins - the bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (High Density Lipoproteins - the good guys).
Human studies in Germany and India found a weight reduction effect along with cholesterol reduction. All these studies indicate spirulina is a useful supplement for cardiovascular health and for lowering cholesterol.
How does it improve gastrointestinal and digestive health?
When people take spirulina they often notice immediate change in regularity and elimination. Research confirms it does promote digestion and bowel function. It suppresses bad bacteria like e-coli and Candida yeast and stimulates beneficial flora like lactobacillus and bifidobacteria. Healthy flora is the foundation of good health and it increases absorption of nutrients from the foods we eat, and helps protect against infection.
In a village clinic in Togo, West Africa, we provided a tablespoon a day to undernourished children. Their mothers praised this 'green medicine' for bringing rapid recovery and weight gain. Other studies with malnourished children in Mexico, India, Romania, Rwanda and Zaire, have shown easily digested spirulina is beneficial when intestines no longer absorb food effectively.
It's a great food for malnourished people precisely because it helps rebuild healthy intestinal flora, which are essential for the utilization of more complex foods. Because in AIDS patients, nutrient malabsorption associated with opportunistic infections can initiate full blown AIDS, we've been donating spirulina to health clinics for HIV positive people.
How does spirulina enhance natural cleansing and detoxification?
When spirulina was first introduced 20 years ago, people quickly discovered it accelerated detoxification during fasting and cleansing. Later, in Japan, researchers found spirulina significantly reduced kidney toxicity caused by the heavy metal mercury and three pharmaceutical drugs. This suggested it's beneficial for humans suffering from heavy metal poisoning. Other researchers found rats consuming spirulina or chlorella algae eliminated 7 times the dangerous chemical dioxin compared to a control diet.
In 1994, a Russian Patent was awarded for spirulina as a medical food to reduce allergic reactions from radiation sickness. 270 Children of Chernobyl consuming 5 grams a day for 45 days (donated by Earthrise Farms), lowered radionucleides by 50%, and normalized allergic sensitivities.
Today we are subject to an onslaught of toxic chemicals in our air, water, food and drugs. Our bodies need to continually eliminate these accumulated toxins. Spirulina has a completely unique combination of phytonutrients - including chlorophyll, phycocyanin and polysaccharides, that can help cleanse our bodies.
How does spirulina increase antioxidant protection and reduce cancer risks?
Free radical molecules damage our body's cells. They are caused by pollution, poor diet, stress and injury. Antioxidant nutrients fight these dangerous oxidizing free radicals. They also stimulate our immune system to guard against cancer and other diseases and even slow the aging process. Major antioxidant vitamins are beta carotene (provitamin A) C, and E. Antioxidant minerals selenium, maganese, zinc, copper, iron and chromium form our bodies antioxidant enzymes. Spirulina contains all these nutrients, and exceptionally high levels of beta carotene and iron, and zinc in super spirulina.
Research shows spirulina helps protect Vitamin C from potency loss. In the past 20 years, many studies have shown natural beta carotene from fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of many cancers. Spirulina's beta carotene has been widely studied in India with thousands of people. Just one gram a day for a year given to 5000 pre school children, significantly reduced the incidence of eye disease. One gram a day caused total regression of mouth cancer lesions in 44% of male tobacco chewers.
This reinforced an earlier Harvard study that showed a spirulina extract used topically, reversed oral cancer tumors in hamsters. Chinese scientists found the unique polysaccharides also have antioxidant properties. No doubt, spirulina is one of the most powerful antioxidant whole foods.
These remarkable reports on spirulina's benefits come from all over the world. But does all spirulina have the same quality, purity and potency?
First, there's a wide range in quality, because it can come from many countries. Customers should check the label - does it say exactly where it's grown? Is the cultivation controlled for a pure culture? With the growing concern about contaminated algae harvested from lakes, the source is important. Many people now prefer certified organic foods. Second, there's a wide variety in potency. Maintaining the highest levels of the carotenoids, phycocyanin and polysaccharides is very important.
Well, you've presented a lot of scientific evidence for spirulina's health benefits. Can you summarize what all this means to us?
This scientific evidence is the just tip of a large body of international research. When I attended a world algae conference in South Africa in 1996, hundreds of scientific papers were presented. By far, the greatest number were presented on spirulina. Scientists will continue to uncover its health benefits because spirulina is a safe natural food with huge global potential. Of course, people who consume it already know how much better they feel, how much more energy they have, how much more resistant to disease and infection they are. Spirulina is a truly amazing therapeutic food. Knowing this, I urge every health conscious person to take a little spirulina every day.
We're discussing the health discoveries of spirulina algae with Robert Henrikson, author of Earth Food Spirulina. Robert, I've collected some popular questions people have asked. They want to know how spirulina is different from other popular algae, how it's ecologically cultivated, and what are its environmental advantages and its potential as a global food and medicinal resource. But first, some often asked health questions.
How are phytonutrients important for health, and why are they called the next step beyond vitamins and minerals?
In the cover story "Better than Vitamins," Newsweek asserted: ³It is whole foods...that pack the disease preventing wallop. That's because they harbor a whole ratatouille of compounds that have never seen the inside of a vitamin bottle... The compounds are called phytochemicals... In the world where science merges with health, phytochemicals are the next big thing.² The new stars of the health revolution are probiotics, antioxidants, nutraceuticals and phytonutrients loaded with disease preventing nutrients.
Even the U.S. Congress joined the bandwagon. The 1994 Dietary Supplement Act states: "There is a link between the ingestion of certain nutrients or dietary supplements and the prevention of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis."
You've probably noticed the growing popularity of herbs and botanicals. People aren't looking for megadoses of poorly absorbed isolated vitamins and minerals. They want health from functional nutrients in foods and plants.
The scientific research with spirulina identifies some unusual health giving phytonutrients. What are they?
Spirulina's dark color comes from a rainbow of natural pigments. They harvest sunlight at different wavelengths and protect from too much sun. These pigments offer unusual health benefits and help synthesize many enzymes necessary for regulating body metabolism. They are chlorophyll (green), carotenoids (yellow and orange) and phycocyanin (blue), the dominant color.
Not all spirulina is grown, processed and packaged the same way. Levels of these sensitive pigments vary widely. Spirulina needs high levels of all three to provide optimum health benefits. At Earthrise Farms, all three are tested on every day's production to assure potency.
I know beta carotene is an anti-cancer antioxidant nutrient. Is natural different than synthetic beta carotene?
Spirulina is the richest beta carotene food, with a full spectrum of ten mixed carotenoids. About half are orange carotenes: alpha, beta and gamma and half are yellow xanthophylls. They work synergistically at different sites in our body to enhance antioxidant protection.
Twenty years of research proves eating beta carotene rich fruits and vegetables gives us real anti-cancer protection. Synthetic beta carotene has not always shown these benefits. Research in Israel showed natural beta carotene from algae was far more effective. Natural is better assimilated and contains the key 9-cis isomer, lacking in synthetic. As suspected, natural carotenoids in algae and vegetables have the most antioxidant and anti-cancer power.
I'm familiar with chlorophyll. Its in all green plants.
That's right. Spirulina has one of nature's highest levels - about 1%. Chlorophyll is known for cleansing and detoxifying. It's sometimes called 'green blood' because it looks like the blood hemoglobin molecule. Blood has iron at its core, giving it a red color, and chlorophyll has magnesium, making it green. Spirulina's beneficial effect on anemia could be due to this similarity combined with its high bioavailable iron.
I don't know much about phycocyanin. What is it?
This protein complex is about 14% of spirulina. Phycocyanin means 'algae-blue', and is found only in blue-green algae. It evolved a billion years before chlorophyll. It may be the precursor to chlorophyll and hemoglobin, because it has both magnesium and iron at its core. Phycocyanin may be the origin of life common to both plants and animals. Research shows it stimulates the immune system, builds both red and white blood cells and assists detoxification. Chinese scientists claim phycocyanin regulates production of white blood cells even when bone marrow cells are damaged by toxic chemicals or radiation.
I'd like to know more about the other phytonutrients. Why are polysaccharides often mentioned in research?
Spirulina contains about 20% carbohydrates and sugars, making up its soft cell walls. The primary forms are rhamnose and glycogen, two polysaccharides easily absorbed by the body. Spirulina offers quick energy, without taxing the pancreas or triggering hypoglycemia.
As early as 1979, the Russians were first to discover spirulina polysaccharides stimulated the immune system of rabbits. The rest of the world didn't hear about this until 1994! Meanwhile, scientists in China, Japan and the USA found spirulina and its polysaccharide extract supercharged the immune system against viruses and germs. It acts much like a broad spectrum vaccine against invading bacteria. Based on studies with hamsters and fish, rabbits and rats, chickens and cats, as little as 3 grams a day may be effective for humans.
How about sulfolipids and glycolipids?
The National Cancer Institute found sulfolipids in blue-green algae were 'remarkably active' against the AIDS virus in vitro. Spirulina contains 5-8% lipids, and 40% of these are glycolipids and sulfolipids. These compounds seem to prevent viruses from either attaching to or penetrating cells, preventing viral infection. Meanwhile, the virus can be eliminated by the body's defenses. Exciting new research in Japan and the USA has confirmed spirulina extracts in vitro can inhibit replication of the HIV virus.
What is so unique about spirulina as a source of GLA?
We need a dietary source of essential fatty acids. One is gamma-linolenic acid - a precursor to the body's prostaglandins - master hormones that control many functions. But poor diet, saturated fats and alcohol can cause GLA deficiency leading to conditions like heart disease and premenstrual stress. A food source of GLA is important, especially for women. Known GLA foods are mothers milk and oil extracts of evening primrose, black currant and borage seeds. Spirulina is a potent source, an astonishing 1% by weight! Eight spirulina tablets contain equivalent GLA to a capsule of primrose oil. I've heard from many women who have appreciated spirulina's benefits for PMS and for healthy, beautiful skin.
How digestible is spirulina?
It's 95% digestible. It existed a billion years before plants even evolved indigestible cellulose to protect their cells. Spirulina builds soft cell walls from a network of proteins, polysaccharides and enzymes. It just melts away inside your body. This is important for those who suffer from poor digestion or malabsorption, or for older people with restricted diets.
Enzymes are important. How can spirulina build our body's enzyme systems?
Enzymes in our bodies digest our food, cut, paste and repair our DNA and power our critical body systems. It's always good to enhance our diet with raw foods like fresh fruit, vegetables and juices, which are rich in natural living enzymes. Dehydrated superfoods like spirulina still have some natural enzymes present. More importantly, spirulina has building blocks such as minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants and polysaccharides that trigger our bodies own enzyme systems to flourish and perform their many tasks.
I've heard about balancing body pH for good health. Can spirulina do this?
It grows in very alkaline waters above pH 8. It's considered an alkaline food, and will help your body toward more alkalinity. Its a great balancer for any diet filled with acidic foods like sugar, coffee, soda, alcohol or meat. A balanced system will strengthen your health and increase resistance to disease.
How much should people take and when should they take it?
Long time consumers and scientific evidence both suggest 2-5 grams a day bring significant health benefits. This is a teaspoon of powder or 6 to 20 tablets. Take it every day for best results. Because spirulina is a whole food, you can take it alone or with meals. Take convenient tablets anytime. Or, mix spirulina powder in a fruit juice smoothie as an instant breakfast, or in a vegetable juice smoothie in the afternoon.
Is spirulina recommended for pregnant mothers, infants and children?
Yes, its a perfect supplement. Iron deficiency anemia in mothers and children is the most prevalent nutritional disorder. Pregnant women can use spirulina's vegetable protein and bioavailable iron. In India and Vietnam, doctors prescribe spirulina for pregnant and nursing mothers and their infants. Parents are often surprised how much their children enjoy this green food. Kids like to suck on tablets and munch spirulina covered popcorn.
What are the benefits for an aging population?
Spirulina is an ideal anti-aging food: concentrated nutrient value, easily digested and loaded with antioxidants. Beta carotene is good for healthy eyes and vision. This all vegetable, low fat protein means we can lighten up on a meat centered diet that can aggravate arthritis and raise cholesterol. When we choose to eat less meat, vegetables like spirulina are good sources of more iron and essential minerals.
As people age, many who don't eat enough, have restricted diets or poor digestion may experience low energy from being undernourished. Spirulina builds healthy lactobacillus, aiding assimilation and elimination and relieving constipation. Older people really notice an energy boost. In Japan, 73% of those taking spirulina are over 50 years old!
What will spirulina do for athletes?
Athletes need extra nutrition. Spirulina is a high intensity superfood for a high intensity workout. Taken before jogging or competition, it delivers energy and improves stamina. Bikers, backpackers and mountain climbers will appreciate this lightweight survival food. For bodybuilders, it offers 60% protein and amino acids, low in fat. It's helpful for reducing caloric intake, essential for maintaining competitive weight.
World Class athletes use spirulina to improve performance. The Cuban Ministry of Sports gave it to their athletes to intensify training before the 1996 Olympic games. Cuban track stars have consumed it for many years. They say it helps create and mend muscle mass and helps iron retention. It improves endurance and wards off cramping for marathoners. When training increases appetite, spirulina curbs hunger.
When I was invited to the largest Chinese training center for 2000 athletes, I thought I was going to introduce them to spirulina. But, I soon found out it was their secret ingredient they'd been using for five years. The trainers said they prescribed it for athletes for all sports. It boosts the immune system and improves recovery, so their athletes can intensify training, for which they are famous. Where does their spirulina come from? I found out this Chinese training center has its own, private and exclusive spirulina farm.
Can a person lose weight taking spirulina?
It's not an appetite suppressant. It contains no drugs that trick the body. Yet, many people find taking a few tablets or a spirulina drink an hour before mealtime can help satisfy appetite, so they eat less. We know when we're going to be hungry, so just plan ahead. Because it's rich in iron, often deficient in women on low calorie diets, spirulina is ideal support for any diet. Best of all, it helps us to lighten up and make the switch from a bulky diet to lighter, more powerful foods.
How about fasting? Can a person live on spirulina alone?
I don't suggest living on one food, not even spirulina. I believe a biodiverse diet is best for good health. There are times when I take only spirulina with water or juice - when I fast 3 to 7 days once or twice a year. Fasting one day a week is common practice in traditional societies and religions. Going without food for three days or longer allows the body to cleanse and renew itself. In the late 1970s, one of the first discoveries was spirulina's value in fasting. This easy-to-digest food provides energy and stamina for work and play, while making cleansing much easier and more effective.
Is spirulina good for pets and other animals?
Yes. Walk into any pet store and you'll find it's a popular supplement for fish, birds and pets. In fact, much of the global spirulina production is consumed by aquaculture raised fish and prawns, tropical fish, ornamental birds, horses and even cats and dogs. In the 1970s, the first use was enhancing the beautiful colors in fancy koi carp. Then fish and prawn farmers discovered it increased growth rates, survival, color, and reduced medications. Today, spirulina is in most premium aquarium feeds.
Zoos feed their flamingos a spirulina diet, like the millions of pink flamingos living on it in East African lakes. Ornamental bird breeders use it to enhance color, health and fertility. Tiny amounts in diets of young turkeys and chickens builds disease resistance, reducing the need for antibiotics. In reptiles, it improves skin gloss and disease resistance. For thoroughbred racehorses, it improves speed and recovery.
If you give spirulina to your dog or cat, you'll notice healthier skin, lustrous coat and fresher breath. Older animals may regain their flexibility. It's not unusual for a pet owner to ask: "Is spirulina good for me, too?"
Well, the uses and benefits of spirulina seem much clearer now. Yet, there is public confusion about algae. What's the difference between spirulina, chlorella and wild blue green algae?
There are hundreds of kinds of microscopic algae. Chlorella is a green algae. Spirulina (scientifically known as Arthrospira platensis) is a blue-green algae. Both are known to be safe and nutritious whole foods, consumed by millions of people over the past 20 years. Their safety is backed by hundreds of scientific studies. Both are cultivated in pure cultures at specially designed algaefarms.
Many other kinds of algae grow wild and uncontrolled in lakes and waterways, such as the blue-green algae aphanizomenon and microcystis. They bloom on whatever nutrients or pollutants are available. Some algae, like microcystis, are toxic, just like some land plants and mushrooms. One problem harvesting wild algae like aphanizomenon, popularly called blue-green algae, is that it can be contaminated with toxic algae like microcystis.
It's important to realize the big advantage in growing a pure culture of safe spirulina in a controlled environment. You can be assured it's pure and safe all the way from the living ponds to the consumer.
How can spirulina claim to be ecologically cultivated, certified pesticide free and certified organic?
Cultivation of spirulina is Earth-friendly: it does not cause pollution, soil erosion or water contamination. No preservatives, no stabilizers, no irradiation. People are concerned about pesticides in their fruits and vegetables. Spirulina is grown free of pesticides. Every lot is tested. Independent labs have not detected any of 66 environmental pesticide residues, so it is certified pesticide free.
In your book, Earth Food Spirulina, you say spirulina has resource advantages of land, water and energy? How does growing it save fertile land and soil?
Spirulina is more than 60% protein, yielding 20 times more protein per acre than soybeans and over 200 times more than beef. One kilo of corn protein causes 22 kilos of topsoil loss. One kilo of beef protein causes 145 kilos loss. Growing spirulina causes no soil erosion, and does not even need fertile land.
And what about spirulina cultivation's evergy efficiency?
Water is recycled back to the ponds after harvesting. Growing ponds are sealed, so very little water seeps through the ground. The only significant water loss is through evaporation. Spirulina protein uses 25% the water as soy, 17% as corn and only 2% the water required for beef protein.
And energy efficiency?
Spirulina requires less energy input per kilo than soy, corn or beef, including solar and generated energy. Its energy efficiency is 5 times higher than soy, 2 times higher than corn, and over 100 times higher than beef.
How much carbon dioxide does spirulina consume, and how much oxygen does it produce?
Trees are the best land plants for absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide. They fix from one to four tons of carbon per hectare per year. Spirulina is even more efficient. In the California desert, spirulina fixes 6.3 tons of carbon per hectare per year, and produces 16.8 tons of oxygen.
So these are the reasons why you believe algae is both good for you and good for our planet.
Spirulina can help restore our lives. It's the next best thing to eating sunlight! Eat algae and bring light into your own cells. Take a few tablets a day and embark on a new path. Eat less and get more from nutrient dense food. Consume less and live lighter on the Earth. Magnified by millions of people, life begins to change. This is a magnificent legacy for our next generations.
However, simply eating wild algae won't transform our planet. There are only a few lakes in the world where wild algae can be harvested safely for food. But cultivating algae will make a difference. Algae harvests sunlight, transforming light to living matter more efficiently. By growing algae, less of our planet's fertile surface is needed to convert sunlight into food. We can help stop cutting the last forests to grow food. By using spirulina for our personal health, we become part of the solution to improve our planetary health.
G i a n i n n a J. C on t a d o
"OFW for the Hope of the Nation"
Philippine economic growth was the focus of our nearby countryside. During early 1960's our economy has a grown manufacturing sector by means of agriculture products. We have wide agricultural lands that help a simple Filipinos earn for their daily needs. Rice fields, crop products are the primary agricultural source in our country. Until in mid 80's drastic changes came for the Filipinos. Everybody wants to earn more and have a good future. Filipino started searching their future in other countries looking for a greener pastures. Filipinos worldwide are strong character persons who have been always an optimistic thinker. Discriminations is always been a factor in every peoples weakness. Sometimes, we forget to trust ourselves, we can't see how important we are to our country. We think that we're just a simple worker, or a simple caregiver in the eyes of others. NO! We're not! Overseas Filipino Workers are one of the biggest factors that saving our economy! OFW remittance is such a vital source of revenue that since the mid-1980s the government has lauded these workers as the country’s “new economic heroes” or mga bagong bayani.
Base on 2006 survey reports of w ww.census.gov.ph
The number of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) who worked abroad at anytime during the period April to September 2006 reached 1.52 million. The 2006 estimate represents an increase of 14.3 percent over the 1.33 million OFWs estimated for the period April to September 2005. The Overseas Contract Workers (OCWs) or those with existing work-contract abroad comprised 91.4 percent (1.38 million) of the total OFWs during the period April to September 2006. This number is 14.0 percent more than the 1.21 million OCWs for the same months in 2005. OFWs who were laborers or unskilled workers, that is, domestic helpers, cleaners and manufacturing laborers comprised 35.1 percent of the total OFWs. Those who were trade workers or trade-related workers made up 14.7 percent, while those who were service workers and shop and market sales workers accounted for 13.8 percent.
The total remittances sent by OFWs during the period April to September 2006 was estimated at 102.0 billion pesos, an increase of 16.8 billion pesos from the estimate of 85.1 billion pesos in 2005. Included in the total remittances are cash sent (74.4%), cash brought home (21.0%) and remittances in kind (4.6%). Of the total cash remittance sent during the period April to September 2006, 79.3 percent were sent through banks, 13.2 percent were sent through door-to-door and the rest (7.5%) were sent through the agency/local office, friends/co-workers and other means. OFWs working in Asia, comprising 78.3 percent of all OFWs, sent the biggest cash remittance of 52.5 billion pesos. Among occupation groups, OFWs working as laborers or unskilled workers posted the highest cash remittance of 16.0 billion pesos.
This is signed by Ms. Carmelita N. Ericta the Administrator.
We contributed billions of pesos in every remittances that we sent back home to Philippines. Most of us here got a college degree. Most Filipinos or metapelet here have graduated as nurse, teachers, computer science, IT and a lot more. We just want to earn more that's why we choose to work outside of our beloved country. Filipino workers are one of the trustworthy persons all over the world. Even in Mongolia we have our kababayan there working as an English teacher, business advisers and a lot more. In the Middle East, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Kuwait you will see the presence of our engineers there. Filipinos are very intellectual person; they can easily adapt their lives with others in different places and people. We help our family to survive. We are a strong willed model for the next generations; we OFW are the paradigm how we struggle in our lives to survive in order to cope up with the fast faced world, just like what our heroes did for our country!
It is one of the helpful factors that gained the economy of our country. As a caregiver or as an individual OCW, no one can say and discriminate the way we work or how we handle our jobs. We're giving the unconditional love and care for every job that we have. It's not just a simple job; we put our hearts into it. We are always a hardworking people with a golden hearts that put devotion in our job and duties! Whilst back in our country, we gave hopes and good future not only with our beloved families but also with our very own country, the Philippines! We are not poor nor a desperate country, infact our country is full of beautiful places and sceneries that tourist love to visit, things and technologies far fetched with other modern countries! We got all beautiful shopping malls that shoppers fancied.
You don't need to be ashamed that you're a Filipino, whether OFW or not, you should be proud because we got a big part of our economy and We came from the land of paradise, Philippines! Be proud to be Pinoy!
G i a n i n n a J. C o n t a d o
Credit : Eman Uy
Base on 2006 survey reports of w ww.census.gov.ph
The number of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) who worked abroad at anytime during the period April to September 2006 reached 1.52 million. The 2006 estimate represents an increase of 14.3 percent over the 1.33 million OFWs estimated for the period April to September 2005. The Overseas Contract Workers (OCWs) or those with existing work-contract abroad comprised 91.4 percent (1.38 million) of the total OFWs during the period April to September 2006. This number is 14.0 percent more than the 1.21 million OCWs for the same months in 2005. OFWs who were laborers or unskilled workers, that is, domestic helpers, cleaners and manufacturing laborers comprised 35.1 percent of the total OFWs. Those who were trade workers or trade-related workers made up 14.7 percent, while those who were service workers and shop and market sales workers accounted for 13.8 percent.
The total remittances sent by OFWs during the period April to September 2006 was estimated at 102.0 billion pesos, an increase of 16.8 billion pesos from the estimate of 85.1 billion pesos in 2005. Included in the total remittances are cash sent (74.4%), cash brought home (21.0%) and remittances in kind (4.6%). Of the total cash remittance sent during the period April to September 2006, 79.3 percent were sent through banks, 13.2 percent were sent through door-to-door and the rest (7.5%) were sent through the agency/local office, friends/co-workers and other means. OFWs working in Asia, comprising 78.3 percent of all OFWs, sent the biggest cash remittance of 52.5 billion pesos. Among occupation groups, OFWs working as laborers or unskilled workers posted the highest cash remittance of 16.0 billion pesos.
This is signed by Ms. Carmelita N. Ericta the Administrator.
We contributed billions of pesos in every remittances that we sent back home to Philippines. Most of us here got a college degree. Most Filipinos or metapelet here have graduated as nurse, teachers, computer science, IT and a lot more. We just want to earn more that's why we choose to work outside of our beloved country. Filipino workers are one of the trustworthy persons all over the world. Even in Mongolia we have our kababayan there working as an English teacher, business advisers and a lot more. In the Middle East, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Kuwait you will see the presence of our engineers there. Filipinos are very intellectual person; they can easily adapt their lives with others in different places and people. We help our family to survive. We are a strong willed model for the next generations; we OFW are the paradigm how we struggle in our lives to survive in order to cope up with the fast faced world, just like what our heroes did for our country!
It is one of the helpful factors that gained the economy of our country. As a caregiver or as an individual OCW, no one can say and discriminate the way we work or how we handle our jobs. We're giving the unconditional love and care for every job that we have. It's not just a simple job; we put our hearts into it. We are always a hardworking people with a golden hearts that put devotion in our job and duties! Whilst back in our country, we gave hopes and good future not only with our beloved families but also with our very own country, the Philippines! We are not poor nor a desperate country, infact our country is full of beautiful places and sceneries that tourist love to visit, things and technologies far fetched with other modern countries! We got all beautiful shopping malls that shoppers fancied.
You don't need to be ashamed that you're a Filipino, whether OFW or not, you should be proud because we got a big part of our economy and We came from the land of paradise, Philippines! Be proud to be Pinoy!
G i a n i n n a J. C o n t a d o
Credit : Eman Uy
'Desperate Housewives' inulan ng galit dahil sa insulto vs Pinoy
Ikinagalit ng mga Pilipino ang isang eksena sa season 4 premiere ng "Desperate Housewives," isa sa pinakakaabangang palabas sa telebisyon Amerika noong Linggo ng gabi.
Laking gulat ng Pilipinong TV viewers nang marinig ang nakakainsultong pananalita ng karakter ni Teri Hatcher sa programa na nilalait ang kalidad ng mga doktor mula sa Pilipinas.
Mabilis kumalat ang balita sa Internet at kasabay nito, ang galit ng Filipino community.
Dismayado rin ang mga Pilipinong diplomat at dahil dito, nakatakdang maghain ng “letter of protest” sa ABC Broadcasting Corp. ang Philippine consulate sa New York.
"Pang-iinsulto iyan sa ating magagaling na doctor dito sa America. So ang konsulado, magpapadala kami ng letter of protest sa programang iyan, sa ABC," pahayag ni Cecille Rebong, ang Philippine consul general sa New York.
Ilang manonood ng "Balitang America" sa The Filipino Channel ang nagpadala ng e-mail ng kanilang opinyon at nagprotesta rin at ipinagmamalaki ang mga Pilipinong doktor at nurse na nasa Amerika.
Hindi makapaniwala ang marami na may nagaganap pa rin na ganitong uri ng diskriminasyon at racism sa Amerika.
"Hindi ko malaman kung anong base nila diyan. I've been in the US for several years and I have yet to meet an American who doesn't have good words for Filipinos in the medical profession," sabi pa ni Rebong.
Sa ngayon, libo-libong Pilipino ang pumirma na sa online petition laban sa ABC na humihingi ng public apology.
Hanggang ngayon ay hindi pa rin sumasagot ang ABC network at ang creator ng show na si Mark Cherry.
Samantala, patuloy na lumalago ang galit ng Filipino community sa America sa nakakainsultong pahayag
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