to a Gourmet Food Substance ?

its own children murdered and then be willing to purchase
him or her at a market as a gourmet meat dish ?

Cannibalism throughout the world had largely been eradicated – until now. In the past it was uncivilized pagan tribes people, or those without any belief in any form of god, that ate human flesh. A captive and later escaped Jesuit, one of the early martyrs of North America, was made to show his disfigured hands –their fingers had been gnawed off by indian women– publicly in France. He returned to evangelize the same indians in the southern Canadian province in preference to this kind of exposure.

Under rare circumstances, in life or death situations only, it has been reported that in order to keep alive the bodies of dead humans have been eaten. The following photographs are the first published that show people from a presumably civilized nation eating human beings.
February 24, 2003
Reply to those taking the position that these pictures are contrived:
Since this web page was originally placed on the Internet, I have received a few protests concerning the authenticity of the events portrayed.
Whether the web page referenced is factual or contrived, it serves the purpose of making people aware of the great atrocity of abortion taking place throughout the world. The particular pictures may be a bad attempt at some sort of humor, but since it has been reported that abortionists/midwives in China have eaten aborted babies in the belief that they will restore some degree of health (a variant of herbal medicine) and are reputed to be selling them for such purposes, it is not far fetched to believe that dead babies are being eaten as portrayed. It is known that aborted preborn babies are used for much experimental medical research and have been used in the manufacture of cosmetics. Aborted babies are for some facilities a commodity sold for profit.
The murder of babies (about 50,000,000 surgically aborted worldwide annually) is a far greater evil than cannibalism, something that in parts of the world still takes place, especially among satanists. Whether the pictures were contrived or not they do in fact appear real and provoke reaction similar to the following Email I received from a woman who is now much more strongly against abortion than before.
Subject: outraged in tears

Can something be done about this? What can we do? How can we help!? My priest is very interested in this. I sent him the link. Hopefully there is something that can be done even in a communist place? !! This has disturbed me so much I will no longer eat red meat and will offer it as penance to the children who are aborted around the country! I beg you to respond.
The mere fact that a performance artist contrived –if that is the case– such pictures speaks clearly of the degradation of the world. Rather than protest the publication of such pictures you should, if you are any sort of a decent person, seek to put and end to the continuation of abortion and its associated evils.
Although despicable, cannibalism is less of a crime and less obnoxious than abortion. I would rather see a hundred people dead of natural or accidental causes eaten than to witness one baby being aborted by surgical, mechanical, or chemical means.
Worse than cannibalism and abortion is the now politically correct crime of homosexual activity (sodomy). The only sins greater are the breaking of any of the first three commandments of God. These also are becoming publicly accepted, even on prime time television.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. David

Cannibal reveals man-eater network
From The Times' Roger Boyes in Kassel
January 7, 2004
ARMIN Meiwes, the increasingly confident Cannibal of Rotenburg, has been helping police unravel an international network of man-eaters.
From Austria to the US, willing victims going by names such as Hansel and Gretel queued up to be eaten by or at least exchange butchering details with the 42-year-old former soldier.
The chilling groundbreaking trial in Kassel, now in its fourth week, on Monday exposed not only the scope of modern cannibalism but also Mr Meiwes's deluded ambitions for a world in which eating people could solve problems of famine and over-population.
Police witnesses told of two "truckloads" of printed emails and internet exchanges between Mr Meiwes and the web of cannibals or potential victims.
Detective Isolde Stock said: "We downloaded over 3800 photographs from his computer."
Please Print 1st Page — Photo Copy Large Quantities — Distribute
of Babies Killed by
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MAIN LINK: http://www.trosch.org/lif/cannibalism.html
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