This is the night that I've been full in tears..My tears running so well that anybody could say that its look like wasnt me..Everybody knows Im strong, I know how to finght in Life.I know how to play with the games. But... Is there anyone that I also know how to cry? that I also know how to be hurt? That I also know how to be sad?...
My life aint that easy...Its not easy being me.A lot of expectations beyond my world.Every step I made is every persons eye catcher,every persons story..but please, Im also a normal person like you.I also like to play like an ordinary kids.I Love to smile simple and be happy also.Im not perfect and dont ever think I am. I got mistakes also, I weak also sometimes...
This night my tears are falling.People misunderstood who I am. They think I need to be perfect for them.They think I need to breathe for them.and they think I need to live for them.No! no! and NO!..I have my own life! I know my obligations and responsibility yet dont think I can do it perfectly the way you want.I have my own way.I have my Own life. I have my own weakness. Why its always been so hard to understand to be..hard to understand who I am on this world..I smply dont wanna live for others. I wanna live because I have my Own life.I have my own path! Im not arguing, Im not asking too much..Im asking only your heart, and ears to hear me. To understand me.. To comprehend my feelings also. You dont need to give back what I gave coz thats not what Im asking.. All Im asking is to ÜNDERSTAND MY FEELINGS"..Think of Me also what-how I feel. I wanna breathe...I wanna have some space.. I wanna have some freedom in my life.. I love you all & I always do. This is who I am, dont teach me and force me to be what I am not!
coz It Hurts me so much!Acceptance is a biggest reality of Life! God help Me!
I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that He didn’t trust me so much."
[from: Mother Teresa ]
God bless you all...
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