This happened recently in iran, a women was beaten by the police for not wearing her veil. Here is the website where there are 2 video's of the incident.
here is the transcript of the incident:
[What is] this country? [A woman to the Police] You filthy people! [A man] She is beaten up by the Police. [Woman to people] You have no honor [that let the Police beat women like this]! [A woman takes off her veil shouting] We want freedom! [A man] Take pictures! [The woman continues] We want freedom! We do not want the veil! [A woman] Take pictures! [Another woman] Maryam! [a girl’s name] Capture it on tape! [The injured woman to the Police] You are not human!
here are people who describe the events:
According to a respectable women’s rights group, today, Sunday, both in the morning and later in the evening, following the summer veil program, a group of Police officers got involved in physical struggle with the girls they questioned for their “immodesty”. According to eye wittinesses, the officers were trying to arrest the girls, but because of their restraint, a few men on the scene got involved in the incident.
A shopkeeper in 7-Tir square in Tehran mentioned later “The officers questioned three girls, aged 25- 30, for their veils. The questioning was so harsh that they reacted. A female officer started pulling a girl’s hand to get her in the police patrol, but she refused. Then, a male officer attacked the girl. That was when others got involved. The girls were taken away by passing cars safe from the police. They got into civilian cars while they had no covering and their cloths were torn away,
A taxi driver also said “In the morning, while the police was brutally questioning a girl, her cries for help enraged other people”. He also said that when the second incident happened, a mother and daughter were hit by the Police. While showing their injured faces to the people, they took off their veils. The two ladies have reportedly captured the incident on tape. The picture above shows one of the ladies.
Taking off their veils when the Police questions them for improper veils is becoming a trend in Iran. A similar incident, ten days ago, was caught on tape and posted on Youtube.
Original Post & News By: Arash Kamangir
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