1. it hurts to say goodbye to the person you almost gave your life to. knowing that life won't be the same w/o them. but its better to give up the feeling. rather than to know you're the only one fighting.
2. never frown even if youÂ’re sad coz you'll never know who is falling inlove with your smile. to the world maybe you are one person. but to one person, maybe you're the world.
3. always remember that if a person loved you once, even after a hundred years there will still be some of that love left. no matter how much that person denies it.
4. never let someone make you feel stupid. rather make that someone feel stupid for letting the only one like you go. then face him and say, "you're just someone, not my only one."
5. when you decide to love, allow it to grow. when you promise to love, refuse to let it go. love is a painful risk to take. only love makes you cry and only love knows why.
6. why do we fall for someone who isnÂ’t really for us? Should we blame ourselves for falling with the wrong one? Or should we blame the one we fell inlove cause he made us feel that theyÂ’re the right one.
7. what is SEXY? Sexy is standing in the rain as you push him against the hood of yur car, tearing his shirt, as u kiss with the intent never to stop. What is CUTE? Cute is young and inexperienced. Its holding hands in the car and kissing at the red lights. What is PASSION? Its knowing what you want and stopping at nothing until you get it. What is LOVE? ItÂ’s the balance of all these things in your mind, heart, body and soul.
8. when I know things are not meant for me, I learn to let go. It doesnÂ’t mean IÂ’m weak. But IÂ’m just showing how strong I am to fight the urge of wanting something IÂ’m not supposed to have.
9. rules of love. 1. never kiss when youÂ’re not committed. 2. never expect, just hope. 3. never love a taken man/woman. 4. never fall for a friend. 5. realize than in love, there arenÂ’t any rules.
10. whenever I watch romantic movies, witness people kiss and make up, or listen to a love song. I smile and feel good cause I know that love still works. If not for me, at least for others.
11. I found the right guy, gave the perfect love. It was the right time. Everything was perfect except for one thing. For him, I wasnÂ’t the perfect girl and I wasnÂ’t even close to being the right one.
12. when youÂ’ve bin very much inlove with someone, you canÂ’t really be friends after it falls apart. Because it hurts to see each other and recall that you did your best but still it didnÂ’t last.
13. there are days when you might feel that I donÂ’t remember you. IÂ’m not texting you, not even calling you. What you donÂ’t know is, all those times, I was the one waiting for you to remember me!
14. the moment you find someone that makes your heart beat. Stop the search and take the risk. Remember that the world is a big place. That if you lose the one you love, you have to search the whole world again.
15. I’ve tried to think of the sweetest words I could say to you. Something different and something true. But I guess there could never be a word sweeter that saying, “I love you!”
16. when you love someone, they become part of you. Maybe that is why it hurts so much when you lose someone you love because you lose a part of yourself.
17. the say past is past. We need to move on, to see the future but how can we move on when our past is the only thing we ever wanted in the future.
18. what does goodbye really mean? Is it just letting you go? Telling you I can’t love you anymore? I guess. But goodbye simply means, “I love you but I have to sacrifice.”
19. when two hearts are meant to be, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far they go, no matter how tough it seems. Fate will bring them together, to share a life forever.
20. true love doesnÂ’t live by baseball rules. Three strikes and youÂ’re out. Real love lives like a grass stepped on, crushed, burned out and cut, but still, they persist and grow back.
21. I smoke, I drink. I come home late. I have my social life, I flirt, I curse. I fight, I give them a fright. Nobody can change me cause I know somehow thereÂ’s one good thing about me, I love deeply.
22. if you were the one whoÂ’d hurt me, it wouldnÂ’t really matter. The truth is, you can slit my throat, and with my last breath, IÂ’d still apologize for bleeding on your shirt. For you I can.
23. you donÂ’t have to be perfect to let somebody love you, the way you wanted to be loved. Always remember that being simple is the most perfect way to make someone fall in love with you.
24. each time I miss you, a star falls down from the sky. So if you look up and find it dark, it is all your fault. You made me miss you too much!
25. you might find it easy to fall inlove with someone. The hard thing is to keep that someone forever. But thatÂ’s the challenge of love, fighting without knowing how to win.
26. be careful in letting go of the things you thought are just nothing. Cause maybe someday youÂ’ll realize that the one you gave away is the very thing youÂ’ve been wishing for to stay.
27. donÂ’t let false love fool you. But donÂ’t let real love pass you by. The easy part of life is finding someone to love. The hard part is finding someone to love you back.
28. love isnÂ’t a superman complex. You donÂ’t love someone cause you think that person needs rescuing. You love someone cause you think youÂ’ve found someone extraordinary and you wouldnÂ’t want to exchange it for anything in the world.
29. go for the person who makes you smile with all your heart and soul. The person whom you canÂ’t wait to see or talk to. This is the person whom youÂ’re meant to be with. Maybe not forever, but for now, theyÂ’re right for you.
30. life is a matter of choice. You can be a doctor who saves life! A lawyer who defends life. A soldier who protects life. Or just be yourself, a person, who touched my life.
31. getting into a relationship is not a contest of who is almost always right. It is becoming like what the japanese call “wise bamboo”, meaning you bend so you don’t break.
32. sometimes, you just have to forget the rules, follow your heart and see where it takes you. Never apologize for saying what you feel cause thatÂ’s like saying sorry for being real. Never regret anything you said or did because at some point, it was what you wanted. True strength it being able to hold it all together when everyone else is expecting you to fall apart.
33. remember that love is wanting one to be happy even if youÂ’re not part of that happiness. If making them happy means letting go, do so. You may feel like hell, at least theyÂ’re in heaven.
34. its not love that hurts, itÂ’s the absence of what it does. Who says time heals? You donÂ’t get over the pain. You just learn to get along with the pain and live with it.
35. always remember that God only makes happy ending. If its not happy, then its not the end. If your love doesnÂ’t work with that person, it just means that someone else loves you more.
36. when it comes to love, its hard to know if you have the right one. Many promises have been made, but still lovers weep and are left in sorrow. Cause words canÂ’t immortalize emotions.
37. love comes in a tricky way. Sometimes we think that we are inlove, not knowing we are just friends. But sometimes, we stick too much to friendship that we forget that we are really inlove.
38. sometimes we picture ourselves as a tiny insignificant star, chasing a beautiful moon. But little did we know that we are being followed and loved by a patient cloud.
39. if your tears have been frozen cause of trying to stop it from falling, for pretending not to be hurt about something. Come to me, I might not stop your heart from bleeding but I can give you mine to keep you living.
40. love says: donÂ’t let me loose for I might fall off. Not too tight cause I might get squeezed. Just gently then maybe, just maybe, I might just stay for keeps.
41. its easy to fall completely with someone. Its easy to believe all this lies. Its easy to lose yourself to someone you hardly know. But why isnÂ’t it easy to forget someone you love, who found it easy to let you go?
42. loveÂ’s like a butterfly. You surely canÂ’t hold them forever. ThatÂ’s why if love is right now with you make the most of what you can do cause who knows, the butterfly wants to stay with you.
43. to reach for another is to risk involvement. To expose your feelings is to expose your true self. To love is to risk not to be loved in return.
44. when we get hurt, it is one way God is telling us that not all thatÂ’s painful is bad or wrong. We get hurt so weÂ’d never hurt others the way we were hurt.
45. if I die, I’ll be sad. Much more if I wasn’t able to say goodbye to you. But don’t worry, I’ll be back for you not to scare you but to hug you tight and tell you, “got to go, gonna miss you.”
46. sometimes, love takes us by surprise. One day youÂ’ll find someone whoÂ’ll sweep you of your feet. Someone who just seem so impossible to even notice you. Someone whoÂ’ll love you truly then set you free. Even so, love will take you by chance again. Making both of you two strangers in love.
47. love is a cycle. When you love, you get hurt. When you get hurt, you hate. When you hate, you try to forget. When you try to forget, you start missing. And when you start missing, eventually youÂ’ll fall inlove again.
48. when you love someone, fight for what you feel. But if the one you love, loves someone else, “Let go.” Be like a soldier, knows when to fight and when to surrender.
49. how would you know if youÂ’ve found the right person? How can you tell if what your heart says is right? In love, taking risks is very important. YouÂ’ll never know the answer unless you fall so deep.
50. falling inlove is like looking at the stars. If you pick one out of the billions and stare at it long enough, all the others just melt away.
51. I try to talk to you but youÂ’re in a hurry. I try to call you but youÂ’re not home. I try to invite you but youÂ’re busy. I guess I wonÂ’t have the chance to tell you, to tell you how much I reallyÂ… never mind.
52. which is harder? Hoping that the one you love will fall for you? Or trying to love someone who loves you? Both hard isnÂ’t it? But the hardest is when you fall for the one who loves you just when the one you love is finally falling for you.
53. I wanted to stay up late and think of you, but I changed my mind and decided not to. IÂ’d rather sleep early than think of you, that way IÂ’ll have more time dreaming of you.
54. life is so short to waste time for someone who’s unworthy of your love. Its so sad when the right person won’t be able to search for you ‘cause you’re too busy all your life making the wrong person right for you.
55. I donÂ’t want you to love me if loving me means you have to lie. I donÂ’t want you beside me if you think youÂ’re just obliged. IÂ’d rather not to have you if having you would mean I have to see you hurt inside.
56. IÂ’m scared to care too much, to miss too much, to feel that rush once more, to love again at the risk of getting hurt. But what I fear most is the thought of you leaving me, when IÂ’ve already conquered those fears for you.
57. I wonder why stars still shine even if IÂ’m sad. I wonder why birds still fly even if I cry. I wonder why the sun still smile even if IÂ’m blue. Maybe because the worldÂ’s telling me that I still have you. I miss you!
58. I asked God for someone to love for the rest of my life. Then I found you. But, I’m slowly loosing you now. So I asked God, “why is this happening?” Then He said, “I’m sorry my child, he didn’t ask for you, he asked for somebody else.”
59. please listen to me my friend to these words I say. IÂ’ll leave you now and try to face the coming day. Nothing is wrong between me and you, at least nothing was ever wrong until I fell in love with you.
60. I guess you have no idea how much you hurt me. No idea how much the wounds youÂ’ve caused me. No idea how you took me for granted. And no idea how much pain I felt when you didnÂ’t catch me when I fell in love with you.
61. When you speak the words " I CARE 4 YOU" I know it hurts. Every time you say the words " I MISSED YOU" it really really hurts. But when you say the words " I LOVE YOU" the more it hurts because deep in my heart i know that those words do not belong 2 me and that makes my heart to be in hurt.
62. roses are red, violets are blue. IÂ’m in love but not with you. When we broke up you thought I cried, but that was over another guy. You told your friends I was a trick, I told mine you had no d*ck. I said I love you and you thought it was true. Well guess what *sshole? You got played too!
63. do you know that the worst way that I’ll miss you is not when you’re far away? Its when you’re just right beside me, yet I know I can never have you ‘cause I’m simply watching you fall for someone else.
64. you think IÂ’m strong donÂ’t you? Well, even though I seem to be tough, IÂ’m afraid of one thing. It is realizing that IÂ’ve lost the person from whom I gather strength from. So donÂ’t ever go, IÂ’m not that strong.
65. I don’t expect you to keep me as the most important person in your life. ‘cause I’m not and that’s okay. But somehow I wish for something else, that when you think of me, at least you smile!
66. there are things that you love, but you have to give up. Not because you donÂ’t want them anymore but because you realized that theyÂ’re not for you. And something better is bound to come along your way, somewhere, someday.
67. I wish that one day youÂ’d miss me so much that no matter where you look for me, you wouldnÂ’t find me. Sounds tough huh? I just want you to miss me the way IÂ’m missing you right now!
68. my voice is so soft for you to hear. My actions are too weak for you to see. But if only you’d listen carefully, you’ll hear the sound of my heart that says, “from now till forever, I’ll always be here.”
69. its hard to hold on to something that you know would never be yours in any way you think of. You just have to learn to let go and face the fact that while good things never last, some donÂ’t even start.
70. I donÂ’t wanna think IÂ’m gonna lose you someday. YouÂ’ve been always there for me, and I wanna be there for you just the same. YouÂ’re the kind of person I could never afford to lose, not now, not ever.
71. if loving me means: you, not calling me. You, not waiting for me. You, breaking your promises. You, being with someone else. Then I guess you really do love me.
72. SheÂ’s nice, sheÂ’s kind and beautiful too. SheÂ’s probably pretty, the right one for you. So just forget me, IÂ’m only a friend though IÂ’ll be with you until the bitter end.
73. you eased the pain when I faked the wound. You calmed me down when I faked the mood. You were instantly there when I faked the call. Why didnÂ’t you catch me? I didnÂ’t fake the fall.
74. maybe you may not feel this special feeling I have for you. If you do, its gonna hurt. But I just want you to know that IÂ’m always here waiting to be loved by you. Hoping that tomorrow will be me and you.
75. late at night, I cry these tears away, wondering what I can do or what I can say. ‘cause it seems to me that without me you can still get through. But I tell you this, you may not need me, but I still need you!
76. its hard 2 fall in love again, when youÂ’re still attached 2 your past. You must learn to let go and open your heart to someone else. Its not easy to do but sometimes, you just have to.
77. its best to wait for the one available, best to wait for the one you love than the one whoÂ’s around, best to wait for the right one because life is too short to be wasted on the wrong one.
78. when you love, you thought you would never get tired. you thought it would never end. but sometimes, you need to be tired to realize that love too can end. especially if it wasn't meant to be.
79. You are the reason why I have sleepless nights. You are the reason why I tend to hold my pillow tight. It's you that I'm thinking when I lay down at night. And you are the reason I can't sleep without saying goodnight.
80. You wanted friendship, I gave it to you. You wanted me to care for you, I did. You made me fall in love with you, I fell for you. You wanted to break my heart, I'm giving it all to you coz I'll always love you.
81. somewhere in your heart try to find a place for me, somewhere in your heart I won't care where it would be. one little corner may not mean so much to you, but one little corner is all I ask of you.
82. there's a light in your eyes, but its too bright to see, the pain in my heart where you used to be. I guess I was wrong to believe you were waiting for me, coz there's a light in your eyes but not for me.
83. when u truly care for some1, you donÂ’t look for faults, you don't look for mistakes, instead you fight for the mistakes, you expect the faults and you overlook the excuses.
84. People seldom say I love you. and when they do its either too late or the love is gone. but when I say I love you, it doesn't mean you have to stay but I wish you'll never go away.
85. would you be kind to let yourself be my teddy bear? Someone I could hug, I could kiss, I could cry on. But don’t worry about looking for your own teddy bear ‘cause you already got me.
86. Everyday I walk towards you, hoping that IÂ’d somehow get to be with u, for at least a moment. but its hard for me to catch up with you if youÂ’re also trying to catch up with someone else.
87. If I have 1 wish, IÂ’ll wish for you, to be the one who'll take care of you, for you to love me too. but love cant be forced, it must be given freely so IÂ’d just wish that u knew how much I love you.
88. When I saw you, I was afraid to look at you. When I looked at you, I was afraid to touch you. When I touched you, I was afraid to kiss you. When I kissed you, I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I am afraid to lose you.
89. how I wish to hear you say the words forever, how I dream that weÂ’ll always be together, how I wait for you to say we'll stay for a lifetime, how I love you loving me till the end of time.
90. since the day you said goodbye, I've been counting the days when hopefully you'll be back in my arms again, but something scares me, ‘cause I might be counting for the rest of my life.
91. when you need someone to stand beside you, "IÂ’m Near", When you need someone to hear your troubles, "I will". When you need someone to share your burden "IÂ’m Free". When you need someone who care, "I'll Be.."
92. Once in your life you will find someone who loves you truly. Never take her for granted never let her go because when you lose her, you can never find the same kind of a person again.
93. no one ever taught a fish to swim, a bird to fly, a horse to run, a monkey to climb, a dog to bark, but they do. Just like me, no one ever taught me to love you. I just do!
94. There are times when I dream youÂ’re holding my hand, whispering sweet words in my ear and that youÂ’re loving me. But while IÂ’m here dreaming, youÂ’re with someone else making my dreams. Her reality.
95. still remember that day you kissed me then you walked away you told me you have to go, you told me you cant stay. IÂ’ve been hurt so bad, IÂ’ve cried all night, for whatÂ’s the sense of living without you by my side?
96. If I had just one wish, Id to go back to the moment we kissed but no matter how hard I try, I canÂ’t get you outta my mind. How could you say that you loved me? How could you say that you cared? I know she is pretty but my love was always there!
97. Go on, hurt me some more till I can feel no more. Once, you left me all alone, I cried and died, I took it all. Now, what would I do, in front of me, you're loving someone new?
98. I know we're moving on with our own lives right now but whatever it takes, whenever, wherever and whatever will be, no matter what, you'll still be a part of whatever I'll be.
99. My friend once asked me if I do love u. I answered "yes", they asked me again, "does he love you?" then I sat down, look at the stars and closed my eyes. Wishes do come true right?
Credit for: Mz. Ness
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