Attend a concert in a smaller, more intimate setting. You can watch a show by a performer who has been around for a long time. They have staying power primarily because they are entertaining.
Buy two cheap canvases and paint with toll paints or do finger painting and design a picture for one another. Choose something that describes yourself or something you appreciate about each other.
Build a fire, snuggle up, and read a good book or perhaps romantic poetry together. Make up some hot chocolate or spiced cider to enhance the evening.
Take a picnic lunch and go to a lake to feed the ducks.
After an amazing steak dinner, complimented by a beverage of your choice, head for a private hot tub. Set out candles and soft music for the perfect touch.
Plan a weekend trip somewhere close, even if it's only an hour or two away. Call ahead to the hotel and have your dinner waiting in the room, along with flowers and dessert.
Select a dinner from the cookbook you have never tried. Shop for the ingredients and prepare dinner together. To add ambience, choose a type of cuisine and add decorations or dress to enhance the atmosphere.

Send flowers. Try adding a note or a poem. For greater impact, find a way to secretly add flowers to the vase every day, and include a secret note each time.
Deliver a valentines gift to your friend's house, then take your valentine to another couple's house for dessert (make arrangements beforehand).
Take your partner out for a day at the spa. Give each other his and her robes. Treat each other to couples massages. Also make sure you don't forget to make a visit to the steam room and the jacuzzi.
Make a recording of all the loves songs you both like and play it while relaxing in front of a glowing fire (or while driving in the countryside).
Take your honey on a carriage ride around town. If it's cold, bring a blanket and some hot chocolate. Bring a camera and ask your driver to take a picture.
Rent a boat or borrow one from a friend and cruise the lake or ocean and then have a candle light dinner.
Collect old magazines and cut out pictures that bring back memories of times you've shared together. Compile them in a scrapbook, and nurture the desire to spend time developing future memories.
Create a trail of candy from her door step, to her car, and have balloons tied to her car door handle, and antennae. Also tie balloons up in random places that she'll see on her way to work.
First plan a scavenger hunt. Write clues on note cards telling him/her where to go. Place the clues in the places around the community. Have a friend or relative give him/her the first clue. The final clue leads your date to a restaurant (be waiting at the table with flowers).
If the weather is unpleasant, set up a picnic in the living room. Plan an elegant meal, complete with good plates, fine linens, silverware, and a nice blanket. Add candles and music to enhance the mood. Don't be afraid to try a new recipe.
Finger paint portraits of each other or find a picture to copy. Wear grubby clothes or provide a smock to protect your clothes. After you clean up, feed each other fresh fruit. Even better, some chocolate covered strawberries.
Organize a candlelight breakfast. Either buy the ingredients of your partner's favorite breakfast or order take out from a local restaurant.

Blindfold your date from the very beginning. Put her in the car and when you get to the restaurant, help her sit down. Have a nice romantic candlelight dinner waiting for her along with some roses with personal note.
Prepare three envelopes (each with a different date). Your date first chooses one of the three envelopes. She can opt to accept that date, or trade it in for one of the remaining two envelopes, which could be more or less desirable. Be prepared to go out immediately.
Enjoy a nice romantic comedy alone. Remember the strawberries and cream.
Go dancing down by the riverfront, lake, or ocean with a small radio and dance until the sun goes down.
Stay home and cook your favorite meal together for a quiet dinner at home.
Pack a picnic dinner and head out of the city at dinner time (away from the bright lights). Spend time looking at the stars and talking about dreams.

Go to your local Party Store and rent a helium tank good for around 75 balloons. Buy at least 8 dozen balloons. Go home and blow them up in the bedroom. Don’t forget to leave at least 2-3 dozen (without helium) for the floor and bed. Set up some candles and fresh flowers for the room. Then get your favorite board game and set it up on the bed. And cut up some fresh fruit to snack on.
FroM: CoolestDates.com
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