Many people think fresh juices are good in any quantities and surely harmless. However, this is not the case. Same juice can help to one person and damage another one.
You should not overestimate medicinal power of juices. You know, first of all, these are foods. Their medicinal influence is not so marked, like medicines’ one. You cannot cope with a disease due to juice therapy, you just can support your organism.
Be careful
Fresh juices are contra-indicated while some diseases. Thus, if you have peptic ulcer, gastritis or pancreatitis exacerbation, then don’t drink verjuices: lemon, orange, apple, currant, cranberry. They contain many organic compounds, which increase gastric acidity, can cause heartburn and pain attacks.
Grape juice consumption should be restricted for full people and sick with diabetes. It contains too much glucose and calories. It is also undesirable to drink too much grape drinks, if you have irritated bowels syndrome.
Remember, many fresh juices are depletives. So if you suffer from diarrhea, you should dilute them with water beforehand and drink little by little.
To receive wholesome substances and vitamins from fresh juices, you don’t need to drink liters of them at all. Such experiments can only damage your organism. Reasonable norm - is from several table spoons to 3 glasses per day depending on kind of juice.
Squeezer or grater
There’s opinion saying that juice cannot be prepared with help of electric squeezers, as vitamins are destroyed while contact with metal. This is partially true. But in last years they use metals, which interact with juice components to the minimum. If you prepare juice using a granny’s method, with help of grater and gauze, loss of vitamins is still inevitable. You know, this way juice contacts with air for rather long time.
For better assimilation
Fresh fruit and vegetable juices supplement each other in a great way. Fruit juices are richer in sugars and vitamins, vegetable - mineral salts.
It’s better to drink juices 30-40 minutes before meal or during breaks between meals. If you drink juices made from sweet fruits, you should observe this recommendation especially strictly. If you drink sweet juice after lunch, it can increase fermentation in bowels and provoke abdominal distension.
You need to drink fresh juices right after you prepare them. Even short-term keeping in fridge reduces medicinal value of juice, although its taste can remain the same.
Each juice should be used differently
Fresh carrot juice is a king of vegetable juices. It contains much beta-carotene, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, cobalt and other mineral substances. All this makes carrot juice especially wholesome for children and people with weak immunity and problem skin.
Beta-carotene is very good for sight. However, you need to eat some fat food right after you drink carrot juice, this way it is assimilated better. Salad, seasoned with vegetable oil is the best variant.
Don’t drink too much carrot juice. Excess of beta-carotene overloads liver, and skin can gain sallow tone. Drink no more than 0,5 liter of carrot juice per day. 0,5 glass is enough for vitamin prophylaxis. Fresh carrot juice is contra-indicated while peptic ulcer and diarrhea acute conditions.
Beet juice contains much sugar, vitamins С, Р, В1, В2, РР. It also contains much potassium, iron, manganese salts. Beet juice’s wholesome substances stimulate hematosis. High magnesium content contributes to normalization of nervous system activity while stresses, overloads, insomnia. This juice also improves gut motility, that’s why it is a good remedy for constipation prophylaxis.
But fresh beet juice also contains harmful compounds, which are destroyed while contact with air. So before drinking you need to keep it in fridge for 2-3 hours in an open dish. Unfortunately, some people cannot drink beet juice. Sometimes it causes sickness, vomiting, giddiness, heartthrob, general weakness.
You need to get used to concentrated beet juice little by little, starting from one table spoon per day. Before drinking, dilute it with boiled water or dog-rose decoction. You can mix it with carrot, cabbage, apple, plum or pumpkin juices. If you have kidney diseases, peptic ulcer or duodenum disease, beet juice is not recommended for you.
Tomato juice stimulates alimentary canal work, reduces risk of cancer. It is very useful for pregnant and breastfeeding women. It is low calorie and that’s why overweight people also can drink it. Fresh juice keeps drastic phytoncides, suppressing fermentation and putrefaction processes in bowels.
Drink tomato juice 20-30 minutes before meal, as it increases stomach and bowels readiness for food digestion. Addition of salt reduces juice’s medicinal qualities. Instead of salt you can add pounded garlic and fresh green: parsley, fennel, cilantro. Tomato juice is contra-indicated while gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis and cholecystitis acute conditions.
Cabbage juice contains easy-digestible carbohydrates, vitamins С, РР, folacyn and amino acids. It also contains potassium, natrium, calcium, magnesium and iron salts. Cabbage juice contains a special anti-ulcerous vitamin U. So, it is used warm as a remedy against peptic ulcer and duodenum disease acute conditions. It is recommended to use warm fresh cabbage juice for gargling while stomatitis and oulitis.
Pumpkin juice contains sucrose, wholesome pectic substances, potassium and magnesium salts, iron, copper and cobalt. It contains also vitamins С, В1, B2, В6, Е, beta-carotene. Pumpkin juice improves alimentary cana work, contributes to biliation. It is recommended for people with cardio-vascular diseases, accompanied with edemata.
Pumpkin juice is especially good while kidney and liver diseases. Drink 0,5 glass of it once a day. While insomnia it is recommended to drink a glass of pumpkin juice with honey before going to bed, while calculus - 1/4 or 1/5 glass of pumpkin juice 3 times a day. Course of treatment is 10 days. There’re almost no contra-indications for pumpkin juice drinking, just idiosyncrasy.
It contains many vitamins C and P, potassium, calcium, iron salts, copper, manganese, cobalt, zinc, nickel. It is used while atherosclerosis, liver, urinary bladder, kidney diseases, urolithiasis. Pectin from pulpy apple juice normalizes bowels work. High sugar and organic compounds content contributes to quick restoration after physical loads. You can drink apple juice without any damage to your health in rather big quantities - up to 1 liter per day. Fresh apple juice is contra-indicated while gastritis, peptic ulcer and pancreatisis acute conditions.
Grape juice contains significant quantity of sugar and potassium. It is recommended while nervous exhaustion and collapse. Juice of dark grape contains substances, reducing risk of heart diseases. Its regular drinking reduces level of cholesterol and arterial pressure.
Grape juice has also bactericidal, diuretic, laxative, sudorific and expectorating effects. Drink 0,5 glass of natural grape juice 3 times a day during 3 weeks for medicinal purposes. Before drinking, dilute it with water in proportion 1:1.
Grape juice is not recommended while gastritis with acidity, peptic ulcer and duodenum disease, diabetes, obesity, chronic inflammatory processes in lungs. It is also undesirable to drink grape juice while susceptibility to wind.
Citrus plants
Fresh citrus juices are rich in vitamins C and P, potassium, folacyn. They increase vitality, remove tiredness and strengthen blood vessels. These juices are useful while atherosclerosis, hypertension, for cancer prophylaxis.
However, if you suffer from peptic or duodenal ulcer, chronic gastritis or pancreatitis, then citrus juices are not recommended for you. Besides, you should remember that grape juice can interact with medicines. So it is contra-indicated while taking of many medicines.
Pomegranate juice is excellently assimilated, excites appetite, regulates stomach activity and increases haemoglobin. It has diuretic, cholagogue, antiphlogistic and antiseptic effects. It is usually recommended to drink it in combination with carrot and beet juices.
Pomegranate juice should be diluted with water. It contains many acids, which irritate gastric mucosa and destroy enamel. Fresh pomegranate juice is contra-indicated while gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer and pancreatitis.
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